It rains heavily across Tamil Nadu. Various districts of Tamil Nadu are flooded with rain water for the past few days. Due to continuous heavy rain, colleges and schools are being declared as holidays. Some university exams are also postponed due to rain. Today (14-11-2015) also heavy rains continues. So some districts have been announced holiday for today. Chennai, Tiruvallur, Kanchipuram and Tuticorin are declared as holidays for both schools and colleges. Anna University exams are also postponed. Also the exams being held today (14th November 2015) in the New College Chennai are postponed to another date 03rd November 2015. The summary is provided below.
14-11-2105 Holidays for Schools and Colleges due to heavy rain:
14-11-2105 Holidays for Schools and Colleges due to heavy rain:
- Chennai
- Kanchipuram
- Thiruvallur
- Tuticorin
14-11-2015 Exam Postponed Details:
1. Anna University Chennai B.E B.Tech Exams Postponed to 24th December 2015
2. The New College Chennai exams postponed to 03rd November 2015
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