University Of Pune Question Paper
B.Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester – II) Examination, 2014
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 40
Instructions : 1) Attempt any 4 questions from the following.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
3) Draw sketches wherever required.
1. A) Explain the 3 types of Room Service Operations. 6
B) Explain in brief the points considered while setting up a buffet. 4
2. A) List and explain any 3 modes of payments in restaurant. 6
B) Assume suitable data and draw any two formats used in room service. 4
3. A) Explain any 4 ingredients used in Beer making. 6
B) Explain the following type buffet. 4
1) Fork Buffet 2) Finger Buffet
4. A) Classify non-alcoholic beverages with examples of each. 4
B) Give two examples of KOT system. 2
C) Give two examples of International brands of mineral water. 2
D) Give two examples of Fruit Beer. 2
5. A) Classify alcoholic Beverages with examples of each. 4
B) Draw and explain functions of following KOT : 6
a) Retour en place b) Accident c) Supplement
6. Explain the following terms (any ten) : 10
1) Sake
2) Tisanes
3) Compound spirits
4) Grenadine
5) Fermentation
6) Cafe′ mocha
7) Carlsberg
8) Scandanavian Buffet
9) No charge KOT
10) Tequila
11) CaFe′ Royale′
12) Buffet.
B.Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester – II) Examination, 2014
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 40
Instructions : 1) Attempt any 4 questions from the following.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
3) Draw sketches wherever required.
1. A) Explain the 3 types of Room Service Operations. 6
B) Explain in brief the points considered while setting up a buffet. 4
2. A) List and explain any 3 modes of payments in restaurant. 6
B) Assume suitable data and draw any two formats used in room service. 4
3. A) Explain any 4 ingredients used in Beer making. 6
B) Explain the following type buffet. 4
1) Fork Buffet 2) Finger Buffet
4. A) Classify non-alcoholic beverages with examples of each. 4
B) Give two examples of KOT system. 2
C) Give two examples of International brands of mineral water. 2
D) Give two examples of Fruit Beer. 2
5. A) Classify alcoholic Beverages with examples of each. 4
B) Draw and explain functions of following KOT : 6
a) Retour en place b) Accident c) Supplement
6. Explain the following terms (any ten) : 10
1) Sake
2) Tisanes
3) Compound spirits
4) Grenadine
5) Fermentation
6) Cafe′ mocha
7) Carlsberg
8) Scandanavian Buffet
9) No charge KOT
10) Tequila
11) CaFe′ Royale′
12) Buffet.
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