Friday, November 20, 2015

FYMCA (Engg. Faculty) (Semester - II),OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING,University Of Pune Question Paper,2014 Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
FYMCA (Engg. Faculty)
(Semester - II) (2008 Pattern) (510909)
Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books.
2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
3) Assume Suitable data if necessary.
4) Section I :- Q1 or Q2, Q3 orQ4, Q5 or Q6
5) Section II :- Q7 or Q8, Q9 or Q10, Q11 or Q12
Q1) a) What is object-oriented programming paradigm? Explain with real World
b) Explain information hiding, message passing with example. [4]
c) Write the output for the following program
int P=20;
int main()
 int P = 30;
 return 0;
Q2) a) Explain the feature of object oriented programming. [4]
b) What is object oriented programming? Compare with procedure-oriented
c) Write the output for the following program
#include <iostream.h>
# include<string.h>
void main( )
 Char str [30]=”Object oriented”;
 int m = strlen (str);
[4366]-201 Page 2 of 3
 int n = sizeof (str);
 cout << m;
 cout << n;
Q3) a) What is the inline function? How does the inline function differ from
preprocessor macro?
b) Explain argument passing to function using pointers and using reference variable. [4]
c) Explain NEW and DELETE operator in C++. Compare new and malloc function. [4]
Q4) a) What is class? How memory is allocated for class object? [4]
b) Explain reference variable? Write a program using reference variable as
argument to swap the values of pair of integer.
c) What is function overloading? Compare function overloading and function
overriding with example.
Q5) a) What is constructor? What are the characteristics of constructor? Give one
example of constructor.
b) Write a program to define tow classes alpha and beta containing an integer each
as data members. Define a function sum( ) that will be a friend to both alpha and
beta which will take one object from each class as argument and return the sum
of the data members of the argument objects.
Q6) a) What is static data member and static member function? Write a program to
display the number of object created using static data member.
b) Explain a destructor with an example. [6]
Q7) a) Write a C++ program to create a class STRING and overload + operator. Display
the results by overloading the operator <<.
iii) STRING S3=S1+S2
b) List the operator overloading rules. [4]
[4366]-201 Page 3 of 3
Q8) a) What is a type conversion? Explain type conversion from one class type to
another class type with example.
b) Write a program to overload the comma operator for a class such that for the
instruction a= (b,c) the larger object of b and c is assigned to a.
Q9) a) What is the difference between late binding and early binding? [6]
b) What is inheritance? Explain multilevel inheritance with example. [6]
Q10) a) What are the types of inheritance? Explain multiple inheritance with example. [6]
b) Explain mechanism of passing parameters to the base class constructor in
Multilevel inheritance with example.
Q11) a) What is the difference between opening a file with a constructor function and
opening a file with open () function? When is one method preferred over the
b) Explain managing console formatted I/O with example. [5]
Q12) a) Write short notes on
i) Formatted I/O
ii) Unformatted I/O
b) Write a C++ program to read a text file and counts number of vowels
(i.e. a,e, i,o,u)
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