Wednesday, November 18, 2015

GNDU University Physics-II B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering Quiestion Paper

Want GNDU Question papers? Here you can get Physics-II Question paper. This is B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering Question paper.

Guru Nanak Dev University
B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering
Physics- II Question paper

B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 2nd Semester(UCBS)

Pape r-PHL-198 : Physlcs-II (Same for B. Tech. ECE & EC (System) 2nd Sm.)

Time allowed: 3 hrs. Max. marks 50

Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks.

1. (a) Explain and derive Fermi-Dirac distribution law. (6)
(b) Compare the three statistical distribution laws. (4)

2. (a) Using Bose-Einstein distribution law, derive Planks law for black body radiations. (3)
(b) i. What do you mean by density of states? (3)
ii. What is the cause of failure of free electron theory? (2)
iii. What is the basic assumption in kronig-pcnncy model? (2)

3. Calculate the transmission coefficient of a rcctangubr potential barrier (E < Vr) and discuss the physical phenomenon, which is explained on the of IcaLace through barrier. (10)

4. Explain with necessary diagrams three processes of ataorption, *porl*ncous emission and stimulated emission. Derive Einstein relations conncctinv jbrpticn. pofttaneous emission and stimulated emission coefficients. (10)

5. Differentiate between ordinary light and laser light. Explain the action of Hc-Ne bcr with proper energy level diagram. (10) 
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