Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Gulbarga University BA 6th Semester Paper 6.1 Indian Social Problems II 2010 Question Paper

Want to get BA Sociology Previous Years Question Papers of Gulbarga University ? You will here find here 2010 year old question paper of this course for a subject called "Paper – 6.1 : Indian Social Problems - II" . It is a 6th semester degree examination in GU.

Gulbarga University Exam Paper
A VI S (224) I – 2K10
B.A. VI Semester Degree Examination
Paper – 6.1 : Indian Social Problems - II
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Instructions: 1) Answer all the questions from Section A.
2) Answer any three questions from section B.
3) Answer any two questions from Section C.
Answer the following questions in not more than 3-4 sentences. [10 x 2 = 20]
1. What is air pollution?
2. What is Remand homes?
3. What is venereal diseases?
4. What is marriage counseling agencies?
5. What is old age?
6. What is crime?
7. Name any two sexual transmitting diseases?
8. What is old age home?
9. What is environmental pollution?
10. What is Alcoholism?

Write the medium size answer to any three [3 x 10 = 30]
11. Explain the personal factors for family disorganization.
12. Explain the voluntary organization which serve the old age.
13. What are the social factors favouring Juvenile delinquency? Explain.
14. How alcoholism is responsible for family disorganization? Discuss.
15. What is soil pollution? And explain its causes.

Write essay type answers to any two questions: [2 x 15 = 30]
16. Explain the effects of family disorganization.
17. Explain the causes of Crime.
18. Explain the evil effects of prostitution.
19. How environmental pollution can be controlled?
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