Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Gulbarga University MCA Degree 2011 Question Paper

Are you looking for MCA old question papers of Gulbarga University ? You must then read this post to collect your question paper now. Given is 2011 question paper of MCA subject for this university.

Exam Board : Gulbarga University
Course : MCA degree
Year of the QP : 2011

Q.1 Write the following: 14
[a] Convert the hexadecimal number 657 to binary and octal number.
[b] Perform the arithmetic operations (+32) - (-13) in binary using signed-2's complement.
[c] Represent decimal number 3256 in BCD and excess-3 gray code.
[d] Prove by perfect induction A + AB = A + B
[e] List X-OR gate applications.
[f] Perform the subtraction with unsigned decimal numbers by taking the 10's complement: 8567 - 2451
[g] Detect and correct errors in the even parity hamming code word 001001001010
Q.2 [a] Explain the concept of Master Slave Flip-Flop with Diagram. 07
[b] Reduce following expression using K-map and write SOP and POS form of Reduced expression. Draw circuit using Universal Gate.
[b] Write short note on universal gates with circuit and truth tabl
f=S m(0, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11) + d(1, 3)
07e. 07
Q.3 [a] Explain Up-Down counters with example. 07
[b] Explain BCD counter with example. 07
Q.3 [a] Explain 4-bit shift register with example. 07
[b] Design a counter, using three JK flip-flops X, Y, and Z, which counts as 0, 7, 3, 2, 5, repeat
Q.4 [a] Explain BCD adder with example. 07
[b] Explain how to divide 14 by 4 in the registers and showing how the quotient and remainder are placed after the division. (all are 5 bit registers)
Q.4 [a] Draw circuit of parallel addition and subtraction. Explain circuit by adds and subtracts +7 and -4.
[b] Explain how to multiply 7*9 in the registers. (all are 5 bit registers) 07
Q.5 Explain the following:
[a] Write short note on addressing modes. 03
[b] Write short note on DMA. 03
[c] Explain Cache Memory and Virtual Memory. 03
[d] Explain different types of ROMs. 02
[e] Explain Octal-to-Binary encoder. 03
Q.5 Explain the following:
[a] Write short note on instruction formats 03
[b] Write short note on modes of Transfer. 03
[c] Explain Random Access Memory. 02
[d] Write short note on peripheral devices. 03
[e] Explain 3-to-8 decoder. 03

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