Searching for HPU MA course Sociology previous years / old years / model / sample question papers ? You will here find a question paper of MA Sociology 2011 year. Check out details given under and collect the contents of the question paper.
University : Himachal Pradesh University
Course : MA
Subject : Sociology
Exam Year : 2011
Attempt four questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. All question carry equal marks.
1. Discuss Malinowskis functionalist approach.
2. Discuss detail about the religion discribed by Raddiffe Brown.
3. Explain Peter Blaus contribution in exchange theory.
4. Explain the structural perspective described by Peter Blau and Levi- Strauss.
5. Explain the parts of Paradigm for functional analysis in sociology as given by R.K. Merton.
6. What is middle range theory? Discuss its significance in Sociology.
7. Examine Paretos concept of residues. How does he classify them?
8. Discuss Paretos theory of elites and show why it has exercised a massive influence.
University : Himachal Pradesh University
Course : MA
Subject : Sociology
Exam Year : 2011
Attempt four questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. All question carry equal marks.
1. Discuss Malinowskis functionalist approach.
2. Discuss detail about the religion discribed by Raddiffe Brown.
3. Explain Peter Blaus contribution in exchange theory.
4. Explain the structural perspective described by Peter Blau and Levi- Strauss.
5. Explain the parts of Paradigm for functional analysis in sociology as given by R.K. Merton.
6. What is middle range theory? Discuss its significance in Sociology.
7. Examine Paretos concept of residues. How does he classify them?
8. Discuss Paretos theory of elites and show why it has exercised a massive influence.
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