Need of HPU MA course Sociology previous years question papers ? You will here obtain a question paper of MA Sociology 2012 year. Read the contents below or download it.
University : Himachal Pradesh University
Course : MA
Subject : Sociology
Exam Year : 2012
Note: Attempt four questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. All questions carry equal marks.
1.What do you understand by Social Psychology. Discuss its relation to psychology and sociology.
2.Examine the role of prejudices and stereotypes in the cultural conditioning of the individuals.
3.What do you mean by leadership. Explain its various types.
4.Define culture. Discuss the role of culture in shaping the basic personality structure of an individual.
5.Highlight the relationship between motivation and role performance of an individual.
6.Define percaption. Discuss its various correlates.
7.Describe the process of formation of social groups and their development in the society.
8.Discuss the various types oe collective behaviour found in social environment.
University : Himachal Pradesh University
Course : MA
Subject : Sociology
Exam Year : 2012
Note: Attempt four questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. All questions carry equal marks.
1.What do you understand by Social Psychology. Discuss its relation to psychology and sociology.
2.Examine the role of prejudices and stereotypes in the cultural conditioning of the individuals.
3.What do you mean by leadership. Explain its various types.
4.Define culture. Discuss the role of culture in shaping the basic personality structure of an individual.
5.Highlight the relationship between motivation and role performance of an individual.
6.Define percaption. Discuss its various correlates.
7.Describe the process of formation of social groups and their development in the society.
8.Discuss the various types oe collective behaviour found in social environment.
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