Looking for HPU MA course Sociology previous years question papers ? You will here get a question paper of MA Sociology 2013 year. Read the contents below or download it.
University : Himachal Pradesh University
Course : MA
Subject : Sociology
Exam Year : 2013
Note: Answer four questions in all, selecting one question from each unit.
1. Discuss the relationship between Environment and Society.
2. Explain Marxian Perspective to understand Environment.
3. Discuss the impact of Urbanization on Environment.
4. Ecological imbalance has negative impact on society. Discuss.
5. Examine the impact of Environmental Degradation on natural resources.
6. Discuss peoples initiatives to preserve Environment.
7. Examine Government policies and programmes to protect Environment.
8. Women are nurturer of Environment. Explain the statement.
University : Himachal Pradesh University
Course : MA
Subject : Sociology
Exam Year : 2013
Note: Answer four questions in all, selecting one question from each unit.
1. Discuss the relationship between Environment and Society.
2. Explain Marxian Perspective to understand Environment.
3. Discuss the impact of Urbanization on Environment.
4. Ecological imbalance has negative impact on society. Discuss.
5. Examine the impact of Environmental Degradation on natural resources.
6. Discuss peoples initiatives to preserve Environment.
7. Examine Government policies and programmes to protect Environment.
8. Women are nurturer of Environment. Explain the statement.
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