Searching for Himachal Pradesh University BCA course previous years question papers ? You will here collect a question paper of 2011 Year. The subject of exam paper is BCA BUSINESS PRACTICES AND MANAGEMENT for 1st year students. Download the exam paper in text format added below.
HPU Shimla Question Paper
B.C.A 1st Year Examination
(New syllabus)
Exam Year : 2011
Time : Three Hours [Max. Marks : Regular : 80 , ICDEOL : 100 ]
The candidate shall limit their answer precisely within the answer-book (40 pages) issued to them and no supplementary/continuation sheet will be issued.
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Discuss the steps in designing organizational structure.
2. What is meant by Delegation of authority?
3. What is meant by Management process?
4. Why planning is essential in a business?
5. Discuss various steps involved in Decision-making.
6. Define Management by objectives. Explain the elements in process of MBO.
7. Explain the different styles of leadership.
8. Describe the various barriers to communication. What measures would you suggest to overcome them?
9. What do you mean by business environment? What are the major constituents of business environment that affect the business system?
HPU Shimla Question Paper
B.C.A 1st Year Examination
(New syllabus)
Exam Year : 2011
Time : Three Hours [Max. Marks : Regular : 80 , ICDEOL : 100 ]
The candidate shall limit their answer precisely within the answer-book (40 pages) issued to them and no supplementary/continuation sheet will be issued.
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Discuss the steps in designing organizational structure.
2. What is meant by Delegation of authority?
3. What is meant by Management process?
4. Why planning is essential in a business?
5. Discuss various steps involved in Decision-making.
6. Define Management by objectives. Explain the elements in process of MBO.
7. Explain the different styles of leadership.
8. Describe the various barriers to communication. What measures would you suggest to overcome them?
9. What do you mean by business environment? What are the major constituents of business environment that affect the business system?
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