Searching for HPU MA course Sociology previous years question papers ? You will here obtain a question paper of MA Sociology 2010 year. Read the contents below or download it.
University : Himachal Pradesh University
Course : MA
Subject : Sociology
Exam Year : 2010
Note: Attempt four questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Briefly highlight different perspectives on environment.
2. Highlight the relationship between environmental and society. Write with special reference to Indian thought.
3. Describe the impact of technology and globalization on environment.
4. Highlight the consequences of deforestation and Ecological imbalance on human life. Write with reference to Himachal Pradesh.
5. Do you agree with the view point that pollution of Natural Resources has led to environment degradation?
6. Critically examine the role of Social Movements in generating environment consciousness.
7. Critically examine the role of environmental policy and legislation in environment preservation in India.
8. Write notes on any two of the following:-
1. Environment Management.
2. Conservation of Environment.
3. Rio Summit and its implications.
University : Himachal Pradesh University
Course : MA
Subject : Sociology
Exam Year : 2010
Note: Attempt four questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Briefly highlight different perspectives on environment.
2. Highlight the relationship between environmental and society. Write with special reference to Indian thought.
3. Describe the impact of technology and globalization on environment.
4. Highlight the consequences of deforestation and Ecological imbalance on human life. Write with reference to Himachal Pradesh.
5. Do you agree with the view point that pollution of Natural Resources has led to environment degradation?
6. Critically examine the role of Social Movements in generating environment consciousness.
7. Critically examine the role of environmental policy and legislation in environment preservation in India.
8. Write notes on any two of the following:-
1. Environment Management.
2. Conservation of Environment.
3. Rio Summit and its implications.
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