Saturday, November 7, 2015

IT6501 Graphics and Multimedia B.Tech IT Nov Dec 2015 Question Paper

Looking for PDF of important question paper of IT6501 Graphics and Multimedia ? Important Questions Nov Dec 2015 of IT6501 Graphics and Multimedia for B.E IT Anna University 5th Semester Regulation 2013 Syllabus Free Download

Anna University Chennai
Department of B.Tech Information Technology
Fifth Semester
IT6501 Graphics and Multimedia
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)

IUQP Important Questions
Anna University, Chennai
Department of B.Tech. Information Technology
IT6501 Graphics and Multimedia

1. (a) Digitize the line with end points ( 10,12) and (20,18) using DDA line drawing algorithm- (8')
(b) Using Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm , find out which pixel would be turned on for the line with end points (4,4) to (12,9). (8)

2. Calculate the pixel position along the circle path with radius r=14 centered on the origin using Bresenham’s circle drawing algorithm from point (0,14) to point x=y.

3. Describe with respect to 2D transformation
(i) Scaling
(ii) Rotation
(iii) Translation

4. Write short notes on two dimensional viewing & anti aliasing

5. Explain RGB, CMY, YIQ and YUV color models.

6. (i) How do you implement morphing animation technique? Discuss with an example.
(ii) Write a short notes on virtual reality concept

7. (i) What are the properties of beizer curve?
(ii) Discuss an area subdivision method of Hidden Surface  Identification Algorithm?
(iii) Write a short notes on B spline curves
(iv) Write a short notes on fractal geometry

8. How to represent an object on 3D scene?

9. (i) Write short notes on multimedia system architecture. (12)
(ii) What are the basic objects of multimedia (4)

10. What are the evolving technologies for multimedia system? Explain them briefly.

11. Explain HDTV and UDTV in detail.

12. (i) Explain hypermedia and its functions.
(ii) Discuss about Image processing and image recognition.

13. Define MIDI. List its attribute. Compare and contrast the use of MIDI and digitized audio in multimedia production

(i) Discuss the properties of multimedia system.
(ii) Explain multimedia input and output Technologies.

15. (i) Discuss the CC I'IT group of compression standards in detail.
(ii) Explain the TIFF file format.

16. Explain MPEG file format in detail for motion picture compression.

17. Write short notes on following
(i) Mobile messaging.
(ii) Document management.

18. What is editing features? Explain it briefly (16 marks)

19. Discuss in detail about: Hypermedia message creation.

20. Write short notes on the following
(i) Explain transaction management for distributed multimedia database systems
(ii) User Interface Design
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