Friday, November 20, 2015

JAVA PROGRAMMING,2014 Question Paper,SYMCA (Engg. Faculty) (Semester - IV),University Of Pune Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
SYMCA (Engg. Faculty)
(Semester - IV) (2008 Pattern) (610912)
Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books.
2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.
4) Solve Q1 or Q2, Q3 orQ4, Q5 or Q6 from Section –I and Q7 or Q8, Q9 or Q10, Q11 or Q12 from
Section –I.
5) Assume Suitable data if necessary.
Q1) a) Justify “Java is platform independent language” [5]
b) What is thread? How synchronization is achieved in Java using thread? [6]
Q2) a) What is inheritance? With example explain use of „super‟ keyword in it. [6]
b) What is iterator? Explain methods in iterator interface. [5]
Q3) a) What are different listener interfaces in Java? Explain any two [6]
b) What is difference between SWING and AWT? Explain use of JFrame and
JTable SWING control.
Q4) a) What are different layout managers? Explain Grid Layout in detail. [6]
b) Design an application with two text fields and two buttons on it. Accept a
number in a first text field. If Square button is pressed, display the square of
entered number in second text field. If cube button is pressed, display cube of a
Q5) a) Write an applet program to implement simple calculator. [8]
b) What is the difference between Applet and Application? Explain different ways
to view applet.
Q6) a) How to pass parameter to applet? Explain with example. [8]
b) Explain life cycle of an applet. [4]
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Q7) a) What is need of serialization? How it is achieved in Java? [6]
b) Explain Stream Tokenizer class in detail? [5]
Q8) a) Write a program to find total number of occurrences of particular string in file
“myfile.txt”. Accept the string from console.
b) What interfaces are implemented by RandomAccessFile class? Explain methods
of RandomAccessFile class.
Q9) a) Explain different JDBC drivers. [6]
b) Write a java program to insert employee details like id, name, contact number,[6]
address into the database.
Q10) a) What is the use of Statement class and how retrieve data from ResultSet? [6]
b) What is metadata? How metadata is obtained using ResultSetMetaData class? [6]
Q11) a) Write a program to implement echo server using Socket programming. [8]
b) Explain different network exceptions. [4]
Q12) a) Explain URL and URLConnection class with example [8]
b) What is internet addressing? Explain InetAddress class. [4]
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