Monday, November 30, 2015

M.A. (Part - II) (Sem. - III),University Of Pune Question Paper,English Language and Literature Teaching - I,2012 Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
M.A. (Part - II)
 English Language and Literature Teaching - I
(Paper - 3.2) (Sem. - III) (2008 Pattern)
Time :3 Hours] [Max. Marks :80
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) Explain the differences between language acquisition and language learning. [16]

b) “A syllabus is the selection and organization of linguistic content -
vocabulary, grammar, notions, functions to be taught”. Do you agree?
Q2) a) Answer any ONE of the following : [16]
i) What are the implications of cognitive theory in language learning?
ii) Describe some of the major techniques of teaching vocabulary.
Give examples for each technique.
b) Answer any FOUR of the following :
i) Distinguish between explicit and implicit method of teaching
ii) What are the stages of teaching writing skill? Discuss.
iii) Consider reliability as a characteristic of a good test.
iv) Explain the role of print materials in teaching English as second
v) Differentiate between formative and summative evaluation.
vi) What tasks would you suggest for developing listening skill? Explain.
SEAT No. :
Q3) Answer any FOUR of the following : [16]
a) What are the demerits of a lecturing method?
b) What is the importance of note - making and summarising with reference
to study skills.
c) Explain the features of situational syllabus.
d) Distinguish between active and passive vocabulary.
e) What do you understand by CALL? Explain.
f) Discuss any two challenges in teaching English in India?
Q4) Write short notes on any FOUR of the following : [16]
a) Pragmatic Competence.
b) Importance of skimming and scanning as subskills of reading skill.
c) Aptitude test.
d) Classroom interaction.
e) Use of stories in teaching speaking skill.
f) Guided writing.
Q5) Read the passage carefully and attempt any one task (A or B) given below the
passage : [16]
The Trojan War is one of the most famous wars in history. It is well
known for the ten - year duration, for the heroism of a number of legendary
characters, and for the Trojan horse. What may not be familiar, however, is
the story of how the war began. According to Greek myth, the strife between
the Trojans and the Greeks started at the wedding of Peleus, King of Thessaly,
and Thetis, a sea nymph. All of the gods and goddesses had been invited to
the wedding celebration in Troy except Eris, goddesses of discord. She had
been omitted from the guest list because her presence always embroiled mortals
and immortals alike in conflict.
To Take revenge on those who had slighted her, Eris decided to cause a
skirmish. Into the middle of the banquet hall, she threw a golden apple marked
“for the most beautiful.” All of the goddesses began to haggle over who
should possess it. The gods and goddesses reached a stalemate when the
choice was narrowed to Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. Someone was needed
to settle the controversy by picking a winner. The job eventually fell to Paris,
son of King Priam of Troy, who was said to be a good judge of beauty.
Paris did not have an easy job. Each goddess, eager to win the golden
apple, tried aggressively to bribe him.
“I’ll grant you vast kingdoms to rule, “ promised Hera. “Vast kingdoms
[4102] - 322 2
are nothing in comparison with my gift,” contradicted Athena. “Choose me
and I’ll see that you win victory and fame in war.” Aphrodite outdid her
adversaries, however. She won the golden apple by offering Helen, Zeus’
daughter and the most beautiful mortal, to Paris. Paris, anxious to claim Helen,
set off for Sparta in Greece.
Although Paris learned that Helen was married, he accepted the hospitality
of her husband, king Menelaus of Sparta, anyway. Therefore, Menelaus was
outraged for a number of reasons when Paris departed, taking Helen and
much of the king’s wealth back to Troy. Menelaus collected his loyal forces
and set sail for Troy to begin the war to reclaim Helen.
a) Attempt any FOUR :
i) Prepare two pre - reading questions on the passage.
ii) Prepare three local comprehensive questions and a personal
response question.
iii) Select any three items of vocabulary and explain how they can be
taught in the class.
iv) Frame three multiple choice questions based on grammar.
v) Frame three objective questions based on scanning.
vi) Frame two questions to develop narration skill.
b) Attempt any FOUR :
i) How will you use the passage to teach the skill of listening?
ii) How will you use the passage to teach the use of articles?
iii) How can the passage be used to the teaching prepositions?
iv) Explain how you will use the passage to teach cohesion?
v) How will you use to passage to teach the skill of speaking?
vi) How will you use the passage to teach affixation process?
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