Monday, November 23, 2015

Maharashi Dayanand University MDU Rohtak BA English 2010 Question Paper

Searching for Maharashi Dayanand University MDU Rohtak Model Question Papers / Previous Years Question Papers ? You find here BA English 2010 Question Paper. Go through the question paper contents provided below.

Maharashi Dayanand University MDU Rohtak
Examination April 2010
Year of Course : II / 2 / Second Year
Paper : A

Q1. Explain with reference to the context: [2x4=8]
(a) Now fers in dire vicissitude invade,
The rustling brake alarms, and quiv'ring shade,
Nor light nor darkness bring his pain relief,
One shows the plunder, and one hides the thief.

Let's say good-bye to hedges!
And roads with grassy edges
And winding country lanes;
Let all things travel faster
Where motor-car is master
Till only Speed remains.

(b) May God give you both his help and his love and so on,
and I did so much hope .... what am I behaving in this idiotic
way for? I'm off my balance with joy, absolutely off my balance !
Oh, with all my soul ....

Victory to thee, O Lord. My sins and my life lie together at thy feet, and days end here, in the haven of thy forgiveness.

Q2. Attempt any five of the following questions in 2-3 sentences each
selecting at least two from the Book of poems and Book of Fiction : [1x5=5]
(i) Why does Milton call time 'the subtle thief of youth' ?
(ii) Why does Wordsworth feel sad when he turns from the bower?
(iii) What is H.W. Longfellow's attitude towards time?
(iv) What does the poet declare at the end of the poem 'The Man With the Hoe'?
(v) How did Ganga help the Vasu brothers?
(vi) How was Kacha killed the first time?
(vii) Where did the Pandavas decide to spend the thirteenth year?
(viii) Who were the Supreme Commanders of the Kaurava and Pandava armies when the war began?

Q3. (a) What is the theme of "A Psalm of life" and how is it relevant to the present? [9]


What qualities does Yeats want his daughter to have?

(b) Bring out the theme of Riders to the Sea. [9]


Give a character sketch of Corrie.

Q4. Who was Jarasandha and how was he killed? [9]


Describe how Bhima killed Kichaka.

Q5. Use five of the following words/phrases in sentences of your own :                  [1x5=5]
reproach, to break the ice, morbid, intrigue, to put your foot down, to give up, queer, burial.
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