Solapur University Question Paper
M.B.A. – II (Semester – III) Examination, 2014
(Paper – XVII)
Day and Date: Tuesday, 27-5-2014 Total Marks : 70
Time: 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any two questions from Q. No. 2, 3 and 4.
3) Attempt any two questions from Q. No. 5, 6 and 7.
1. The banking industry in India is currently under an intense phase of change. The
public sector banks are trying to consolidate on the basis of their large network
and customer base. The private sector banks are adopting mergers and
acquisitions to increase their size. The trend is towards consolidation and well
identified core competencies. Prepare ETOP (Environmental Threat and Opportunity
Profile) for banking industry.
1) Analyse the case. 5
2) Identify the problem. 2
3) Alternative solutions. 5
4) Best solutions. 2
2. Write short notes on any two : 14
A) Benching marking.
B) Service blue printing.
C) Turnaround strategy.
3. Write short notes on any two : 14
A) Distinguish between vertical and horizontal structure.
B) Organizational design.
C) Diversification.
SLR-XY – 45
4. Write short notes on any two : 14
A) Why is personal values and business ethics important to strategist ?
B) State the various symptoms of malfunctioning of strategy.
C) Explain Boston’s Consultancy Model.
5. Define strategy. State the various approaches to strategic decision making. 14
6. How can the strategic leaders match their leadership style to the requirements of
the strategy being implemented ? 14
7. What are the distinctive advantages and disadvantages of (a) divisional structure,
(b) an SBU structure and (c) a matrix structure. 14
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