University Of Pune Question Paper
M.B.S. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
CNO – 103 : Human Resource Management (HR) Specialization – I
(2013 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours Total Marks : 50
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions are carry equal marks.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Draw suitable diagram whenever necessary.
5) Answer should be specific and to the point.
1. a) What is strategic HRM ? Discuss the investment approach to HRM with the help of suitable
example from an industry.
b) What are the challenges in strategic HRM explain the challenges related to demographic
changes and diversity with suitable example ?
2. a) What are different types of HR strategies ? Device the criteria for evaluation of recruitment
strategy for an organisation.
b) Discuss the impact of HR strategies on business performance with an example from
3. a) What is succession planning ? How would you go about preparing a succession plan for
the CEO of an organisation.
b) Discuss career planning process and prepare a career plan for a management trainee in
a manufacturing organisation.
4. a) What are cross border mergers and acquisition ? Discuss the strategic role of HR’s in
mirgers and acquisitions.
b) What is learning organisation ? Discuss the role of HR manager in developing a learning
5. a) What is cross cultural training ? Design a cross cultural training program for managers to
be send for an international assignment.
b) What is global HR strategy ? Discuss the role of HR manager in converting global presence
into global competitive advantage.
M.B.S. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
CNO – 103 : Human Resource Management (HR) Specialization – I
(2013 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours Total Marks : 50
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions are carry equal marks.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Draw suitable diagram whenever necessary.
5) Answer should be specific and to the point.
1. a) What is strategic HRM ? Discuss the investment approach to HRM with the help of suitable
example from an industry.
b) What are the challenges in strategic HRM explain the challenges related to demographic
changes and diversity with suitable example ?
2. a) What are different types of HR strategies ? Device the criteria for evaluation of recruitment
strategy for an organisation.
b) Discuss the impact of HR strategies on business performance with an example from
3. a) What is succession planning ? How would you go about preparing a succession plan for
the CEO of an organisation.
b) Discuss career planning process and prepare a career plan for a management trainee in
a manufacturing organisation.
4. a) What are cross border mergers and acquisition ? Discuss the strategic role of HR’s in
mirgers and acquisitions.
b) What is learning organisation ? Discuss the role of HR manager in developing a learning
5. a) What is cross cultural training ? Design a cross cultural training program for managers to
be send for an international assignment.
b) What is global HR strategy ? Discuss the role of HR manager in converting global presence
into global competitive advantage.
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