University Of Pune Question Paper
M.B.S.(Semester – II) Examination, 2014
CNO 205 (FBM) : Family Business Management (FBM) Specialization – VI
(2013 Pattern)
Time : 2.30 Hours Max. Marks : 50
Instructions : a) All questions are compulsory.
b) Each question has an internal option.
c) Each question carry 10 marks.
1. Define venture capital industry. Explain the venture capital funds. 10
Explain the differences in fund development of private equity and venture capital. 10
2. Discuss the approaches to inventorying base of opportunities in PE. 10
How private equity evolved as fund development in emerging markets ? 10
3. Explain the working of private equity with international financial institutions like IFC and world
banks. 10
What are the special issues in setting up of a system for deal processing of private equity. 10
4. Explain the buyout considerations in deal structuring of PE. How it contrasts with U.S.
systems. 10
Explain the basic universal PE/VC valuation method. 10
5. Explain the types of risks of local listing of PE/VC. 10
Discuss the strategies for domestic and offshore trade sales of PE. 10
M.B.S.(Semester – II) Examination, 2014
CNO 205 (FBM) : Family Business Management (FBM) Specialization – VI
(2013 Pattern)
Time : 2.30 Hours Max. Marks : 50
Instructions : a) All questions are compulsory.
b) Each question has an internal option.
c) Each question carry 10 marks.
1. Define venture capital industry. Explain the venture capital funds. 10
Explain the differences in fund development of private equity and venture capital. 10
2. Discuss the approaches to inventorying base of opportunities in PE. 10
How private equity evolved as fund development in emerging markets ? 10
3. Explain the working of private equity with international financial institutions like IFC and world
banks. 10
What are the special issues in setting up of a system for deal processing of private equity. 10
4. Explain the buyout considerations in deal structuring of PE. How it contrasts with U.S.
systems. 10
Explain the basic universal PE/VC valuation method. 10
5. Explain the types of risks of local listing of PE/VC. 10
Discuss the strategies for domestic and offshore trade sales of PE. 10
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