University Of Pune Question Paper
M.C.A. (Commerce Faculty) (Semester – V) Examination, 2013
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. Attempt any four of the following : (4×4=16)
a) What is E-commerce ? Why there is need to study E-commerce ?
b) Describe any four key elements of a business model.
c) Explain different personalization approaches.
d) What types of products are well suited for an auction market ? At what
points in the product life cycle can auction market prove beneficial for
marketers ?
e) What are tiger teams, who uses them and what are some of the tactics they
use in their work ?
2. Attempt any four of the following : (4×4=16)
a) Write a note on :
A) Digital wallets
B) Digital cash
b) How Digital Certificate fulfills all security dimensions of E-commerce ? Explain.
c) Explain planning, analysis of E-commerce website.
d) Explain types of portals with example.
e) Explain eight most important factors in successful E-commerce site design.
3. Attempt any four of the following : (4×4=16)
a) How to test an E-commerce Web-site ?
b) Explain eight unique features of E-commerce.
c) What are online stored value systems ? Explain any 2 online stored value
d) Describe the differences between three major types of malicious code-script,
file-infecting and macro-viruses.
e) Write a note on :
A) Encryption
B) Digital Envelopes.
4. Attempt any four of the following : (4×4=16)
a) Write a note on credit-card fraud and how to minimize the fraud.
b) Compare traditional Vs Electronic payment system.
c) Explain M-commerce business model in detail.
d) List and explain benefits of auction markets.
e) Explain the ways of protecting internet communications.
5. Attempt any two of the following : (2×8=16)
a) Explain-Paypal remains ahead of ‘Peet-to-Peer payment service.
b) Why do people older than 21 tend to use legitimate downloading sites whereas
younger people tend to use illegal sites ?
c) Why are cell-phone networks a threat to Pay-Pal’s future growth ?
M.C.A. (Commerce Faculty) (Semester – V) Examination, 2013
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. Attempt any four of the following : (4×4=16)
a) What is E-commerce ? Why there is need to study E-commerce ?
b) Describe any four key elements of a business model.
c) Explain different personalization approaches.
d) What types of products are well suited for an auction market ? At what
points in the product life cycle can auction market prove beneficial for
marketers ?
e) What are tiger teams, who uses them and what are some of the tactics they
use in their work ?
2. Attempt any four of the following : (4×4=16)
a) Write a note on :
A) Digital wallets
B) Digital cash
b) How Digital Certificate fulfills all security dimensions of E-commerce ? Explain.
c) Explain planning, analysis of E-commerce website.
d) Explain types of portals with example.
e) Explain eight most important factors in successful E-commerce site design.
3. Attempt any four of the following : (4×4=16)
a) How to test an E-commerce Web-site ?
b) Explain eight unique features of E-commerce.
c) What are online stored value systems ? Explain any 2 online stored value
d) Describe the differences between three major types of malicious code-script,
file-infecting and macro-viruses.
e) Write a note on :
A) Encryption
B) Digital Envelopes.
4. Attempt any four of the following : (4×4=16)
a) Write a note on credit-card fraud and how to minimize the fraud.
b) Compare traditional Vs Electronic payment system.
c) Explain M-commerce business model in detail.
d) List and explain benefits of auction markets.
e) Explain the ways of protecting internet communications.
5. Attempt any two of the following : (2×8=16)
a) Explain-Paypal remains ahead of ‘Peet-to-Peer payment service.
b) Why do people older than 21 tend to use legitimate downloading sites whereas
younger people tend to use illegal sites ?
c) Why are cell-phone networks a threat to Pay-Pal’s future growth ?
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