Thursday, November 5, 2015

M.Com. – II (Semester – IV),ADVANCED BANKING AND FINANCIAL SYSTEM ,Solapur University Question Paper,2014 Question Paper

Solapur University Question Paper
M.Com. – II (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014
(For External Students) (Group-d) (Paper – IV)
Research Methodology
Day and Date : Friday, 25-4-2014 Max. Marks : 50
Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Choose the correct alternatives given below : 10
1) For formulating a research problem research may ___________
a) Review the relevant literature
b) Consult with research guide
c) Discuss with experts in the field of study
d) Do all the above
2) Completion and tabulation of data __________
a) Highlights the importance of data
b) Helps comparison
c) Helps to the statistical analysis
d) Helps in all the above
3) If an investigator identifies and corrects the hight recorded in feets, in one
questionnaire and in meters in the other and converts it into a common
measure it is called _____________
a) Editing for completion b) Editing for computation
c) Editing for consistency d) Editing for uniformity
4) All statistical methods which simultaneously analyse more than two variable
in a sample of observation are called ___________
a) Causal analysis b) Inferential analysis
c) Multivariate analysis d) Regression analysis
SLR-N – 71
5) Observation made as per set plan is _____________
a) Uncontrolled observation b) Structural observation
c) Participant observation d) Contrived observation
6) Interview conducted to understand the causes of malady is called
a) Focussed interview b) Treatment interview
c) Short contract interview d) Diagnostic interview
7) Personal diaries and documents is the most important source of information
for ____________
a) Sample survey b) Empirical survey
c) Exploratory research d) Case study
8) An ____________ is face to face oral communication for the specific
a) Questionnaire b) Interview c) Schedule d) None of these
9) Classification of data according to time sequence is called __________
a) Qualitative classification b) Quantitative classification
c) Geographical classification d) Chronological classification
10) The objective of fundamental or pure research is ___________
a) To solve the problem of business and society
b) To make practical use of existing knowledge
c) To advance the frontiers of knowledge
d) All the above
2. Answer the following :
A) What are the contents of report ? 5
B) Explain sampling errors. 5
3. Answer the following :
A) Essentials of good report. 5
B) Causal analysis of data. 5
4. Answer any one of the following : 10
A) What is processing of data ? Explain in brief the various steps involved in
processing of data.
B) What is table ? What are the essential elements of good table ?
5. Answer any one of the following : 10
A) Discuss the significance of interpretation in research.
B) Discuss the importance of Bibliography.

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