Thursday, November 5, 2015

M.Com. (Part – II) (Semester – IV),Solapur University Question Paper,TAXATION ,2014 Question Paper

Solapur University Question Paper
M.Com. (Part – II) (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014
Research Methodology (Group – C) (Paper – IV)
(For External Students Only)
(With Effect From June 2012)
Day and Date : Friday, 25-4-2014 Max. Marks : 50
Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
1. Choose the correct alternative and write the answer : 10
1) Selection of sample by lottery method is called _____________
a) Random sampling b) Cluster sampling
c) Quota sampling d) Deliberate sampling
2) To reduce a sample error we should _____________
a) Reduce the sample size b) Increase the sample size
c) Enhance Personal Bias d) Use deliberate sampling
3) Entire details of units in a population are necessary for _____________
a) Stratified Random Sampling
b) Cluster Sampling
c) Quota Sampling
d) Convenience Sampling
4) Coding of Data is done _____________
a) During collection of data
b) Before or after collection of data
c) Only after collection of data
d) Only before collection of data
5) If an Investigator sends back the questionnaire to the original respondent
and gets the illegible matter rewritten properly it is called _____________
a) Editing for completion
b) Editing for consistency
c) Editing for accuracy
d) Editing for deciphering
SLR-N – 74
6) Statistical technique dealing with the association with two or more variables
is called _____________
a) Correlation Analysis b) Causal Analysis
c) Inferential Analysis d) Canonical Analysis
7) Assigning numbers and symbols to various responses in schedule to facilitate
further analysis of data is called _____________
a) Editing b) Coding
c) Tabulation d) Diagrammatic Presentation
8) A good report contains _____________
a) A good format b) Simplicity
c) Precision d) All of the above
9) The product of Slow, Paintaking, Accurate, Inductive work is called __________
a) Hypothesis b) Data collection
c) Research Report d) None of the above
10) List of references and bibliography are the contents of _____________
a) Addenda b) Introductory part
c) Body of the Report d) All of the above
2. Answer the following in brief : 10
A) Explain in brief the steps in Sampling.
B) What is coding of data ? Is it necessary ?
3. Answer the following in brief : 10
A) Contents of research report.
B) Measures of central tendency.
4. Answer any one of the following : 10
A) What are the advantages and limitations of ampling ?
B) What is Research Report ? Which are the various types of report ?
5. Answer any one of the following : 10
A) What is the significance of Statistics in Research ? Explain specific application
of measures of Dispersion ?
B) What do you mean by Editing of Data ? What Checks should be carried out
during Editing ?
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