Saturday, November 7, 2015

ME2401 Mechatronics Anna Univ Chennai Nov Dec 2015 Important Questions

Looking for ME2401 Mechatronics important questions ? You can collect here all important questions that can be used to prepare upcoming Anna University Examinations during Nov Dec 2015. Read more details below.

Anna University Chennai
Department of B.E Mechanical Engineering
Seventh Semester
ME2401 Mechatronics
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2008)

IUQP Important Questions
Anna University, Chennai
Department of B.E Mechanical Engineering
ME2401 Mechatronics

1. Explain any two types of temperature measurement sensor. (8 + 8)

2. (i) Explain the working of Pneumatic load cell. (8)
(ii) Explain the temperature measurement using thermo-couples. (8)

3. Suggest a sensor whose output is an electrical signal for the following and explain them in detail (8+8)
(i) Vacuum pressure measurement. in the range of 10^-2 to 10^-6 torr
(ii) Velocity of hot gas in a conduit.

4. (i) Identify the various elements present in the temperature control system used in a refrigeration system with a simple circuit. (10)

(ii) A potentiometer which is used to measure the rotational position of the shaft has 850 Turns of wire. The input range is from -460 deg to + 160 deg. The output range is from 0 V to 12 V
Determine, (i) The span (ii) Sensitivity (iii) Average resolution in volts. (6 marks)

5. Explain the constructional features of the DC motor with a neat sketch and discuss about their steady state characteristics with suitable graphs. (16)

6. (i) Compare the hydraulic and pneumatic actuation systems used in automation. (8)
(ii) Explain the working of a compound belt drive with a neat sketch. (8)

7. With the help of puppet control circuits explain the speed control of AC and DC motors. (16)

8. (i) What in the principle and construction of ram: pump and vane motor? (8)
(ii) Describe the basic details of 4/2 valve and a 5/2 valve (8)

9. (i) Explain the mechanical systems models (8)
(ii) Explain the hydraulic power system. (8)

10. Discuss briefly model building block for Automatic Suspension System and electrical Motor (16)

11. Discuss in detail about PI and PD mode electronic controllers. (8+8)

12. (i) Fig. 2 shows the torsional pendulum. Obtain differential equation of motion. (10)

(ii) Explain the working of PI controller with a neat sketch. (6)

13. (i) Explain the configuration of a PLC. (12 marks)
(ii) Give Advantages of PLC system over traditional mechanical system. (4 marks)

14. Explain the following:
(i) Timers (5)
(ii) Counters (5)
(iii) Internal relays. (6)

15. Using simple programs explain the data handling operations in a PLC. (16)

16. Study the ladder logic program in Fig 4 and answer the following questions : (16)

(i) What type of counter has been used to program?
(ii) When would output Y1 be energized?
(iii) When would output Y2 be energized?

17. Discuss mechatronic design of an automatic car parking system. (16)

18. Explain with a neat circuit, the control system and the communication system used in the wireless surveillance balloon. (16)

19. Discuss the design aspects of pick and place robot in terms of various mechatronics element involved. (16)

20. Explain about the various functional components in Wireless Surveillance Balloon system (16)

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