Are you looking for ME6501 Computer Aided Design important questions ? Here under, you will find important questions of ME6501 Computer Aided Design for Anna University examinations. These questions will be helpful for B.E Mechanical Engineering students as well as faculty members under Anna University and its affiliated colleges. If you looking for other study materials such as Lecture notes, Question Bank, Previous Years Question Papers, 2 marks with answers, 16 marks questions, solved papers of ME6501 Computer Aided Design, then you can get from this website by searching through search box provided. If you don't find any study material, you may then inform us by providing your valuable comment below so than we can able to upload as early as possible. Here's the important questions collection of ME6501 Computer Aided Design.
Anna University Chennai
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Fifth Semester
ME6501 Computer Aided Design
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)
1. A scaling factor of 2 is applied in the Y direction while no scaling is applied in the X direction to
the line whose two end points are at coordinates (1, 3) and (3,6).The line is to be rotated subsequently through 300, in the counter clockwise direction. Determine the necessary transformation matrix for the operation and the new coordinates of the end points.
2. What is meant by Interactive Computer Graphics? Explain its various elements.
3. Briefly explain the Clipping and Line drawing with an example
4. What are the reasons for implementing a computer aided design system
5. Discuss the modeling guidelines to be followed by the user while constructing a surface model CAD/CAM system.
6. Differentiate between Bezier and 8- spline surface with reference to number of control points, order of continuity andsuriace normal.
7. What do you mean by blending function? Explain rep of a surface.
8. Briefly explain C56 and B-Rep of solid modeling techniques
9. Explain the surface algorithms for surface hidden removal of an abject.
10. Write note on sample hidden line algorithms.
11. Write notes on Frame-Buffer animation and animation techniques with an example.
12. Explain key frame technique of computer animation with an example
13. Describe the different types of mating conditions
14. Describe bottom up assembly approach with example
15. Describe Top down assembly with example
16. Describe the Need of tolerance analysis with Representation
17. Describe the IGES methodology
18. List the differences and the similarities between nonlinear sweeps and lofts.
19. Describe how the variable radius fillet works. When is such one used?
20. Use the bottom-up approach to create the model of the universal joint shown in figure
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Fifth Semester
ME6501 Computer Aided Design
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)
1. A scaling factor of 2 is applied in the Y direction while no scaling is applied in the X direction to
the line whose two end points are at coordinates (1, 3) and (3,6).The line is to be rotated subsequently through 300, in the counter clockwise direction. Determine the necessary transformation matrix for the operation and the new coordinates of the end points.
2. What is meant by Interactive Computer Graphics? Explain its various elements.
3. Briefly explain the Clipping and Line drawing with an example
4. What are the reasons for implementing a computer aided design system
5. Discuss the modeling guidelines to be followed by the user while constructing a surface model CAD/CAM system.
6. Differentiate between Bezier and 8- spline surface with reference to number of control points, order of continuity andsuriace normal.
7. What do you mean by blending function? Explain rep of a surface.
8. Briefly explain C56 and B-Rep of solid modeling techniques
9. Explain the surface algorithms for surface hidden removal of an abject.
10. Write note on sample hidden line algorithms.
11. Write notes on Frame-Buffer animation and animation techniques with an example.
12. Explain key frame technique of computer animation with an example
13. Describe the different types of mating conditions
14. Describe bottom up assembly approach with example
15. Describe Top down assembly with example
16. Describe the Need of tolerance analysis with Representation
17. Describe the IGES methodology
18. List the differences and the similarities between nonlinear sweeps and lofts.
19. Describe how the variable radius fillet works. When is such one used?
20. Use the bottom-up approach to create the model of the universal joint shown in figure
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