Are you looking for ME6504 Metrology and Measurements important questions ? We are updating here all previous years question papers, lecture notes, model question papers, important questions, 2 marks with answers, important 16 marks questions of all subjects. Below is one of the exam material which covers important questions of ME6504 Metrology and Measurements for coming Nov Dec 2015 exams of Anna University Chennai. This is one of the subject in 05th Semester Mechanical Engineering in Regulation 2013.
Anna University Chennai
Department of B.E Mechanical Engineering
Fifth Semester
ME6504 Metrology and Measurements
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)
Anna University Chennai
Department of B.E Mechanical Engineering
Fifth Semester
ME6504 Metrology and Measurements
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)
IUQP Important Questions
Anna University Chennai
Department of B.E Mechanical Engineering
ME6504 Metrology and Measurements
1. Differentiate between precision and accuracy with suitable example.
2. What are the various possible sources of errors in measurements? What do you understand by systematic error and random errors?
3. Explain the different types of standards
4. Explain the need of precision and accuracy in metrology
5. Explain with a neat sketch how a Vernier caliper is used for linear measurement.
6. Describe the precautionary measures to be taken at various stages of using slip gauges and explain mathematically why error in sine bar increases when the angle being measured exceeds 45".
7. Explain the working method of angle alignment telescope with sketch.
8. Explain bevel prolractor, angle gauges and spirit level with neat sketches.
9. Explain the construction and working principle of DC laser interferometer with neat diagram?
10. Explain how the displacements are measured using laser interferometer?
11. Explain the construction and principle of CMM
12. What are the applications of machine vision system in metrology ?
13. Explain the one wire and two wire screw thread effective diameter method.
14. Explain in detail the roundness testing machine.
15. Explain Base tangent method and Constant chord method of measuring the gear tooth thickness
16. Explain Tomlinson surface meter.
17. Briefly explain various methods of measuring torque
18. Briefly explain various methods of measuring power
19. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a pitot tube b) Rotameter c) Hydraulic force meter.
20. Explain with neat sketch the construction and working of a McLeod Gauge.
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Mechanical Engineering fifth semester metrology and measurements previous exam question papers in Anna university
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