Are you looking for ME6505 Dynamics of Machinery Important 2 marks and 16 marks for preparing AU Chennai exams ? You can here download full study materials of ME6505 Dynamics of Machinery. Unitwise 2 marks and 16 marks are uploaded here. Read the details supplied below and make a download of full question bank from the link attached at last.
University : Anna University Chennai
Course : B.E Mechanical Engineering
Regulation : 2013
Subject Code: ME6505
Semester : 5 / V / Five
Name of the subject : ME6505 Dynamics of Machinery
Study Material Description : Important 2 marks and 16 marks of ME6505 Dynamics of Machinery B.E Mechanical Engineering, Anna University Chennai, 5th Semester Regulation 2013 for 3 years B.E students
ME6505 Dynamics of Machinery Important 2 marks and 16 marks starts here under:-
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. What is free body diagram?
2. Define static force analysis.
3. Differentiate between static and dynamic equilibrium.
4. Define applied and constraint forces.
5. Differentiate between static force analysis and dynamic force analysis.
6. Define inertia force.
7. Define inertia torque.
8. State D’Alembert’s principle.
9. State the principle of superposition.
10. Define piston effort.
11. Define crank effort and crank-pin effort.
12. What is meant by turning moment diagram or crank effort diagram?
13. Explain the term maximum fluctuation of energy in fly wheel.
14. Define coefficient of fluctuation of energy.
15. Define coefficient of fluctuation of speed.
16. Define coefficient of steadiness.
17. Why flywheels are needed in forging and pressing operations?
18. What is cam dynamics?
19. Define unbalance and spring surge.
20. Define windup. What is the remedy for camshaft windup?
PART-B (16 Marks)
1. For reciprocating engine, derive the expression for
(i) Velocity and acceleration of the piston
(ii) Angular velocity and angular acceleration of the connecting rod (16)
2. In a reciprocating engine mechanism, if the crank and connecting rod are 300 mm and 1 m long respectively and the crank rotates at a constant speed of 200 r.p.m. Determine analytically,
1. The crank angle at which the maximum velocity occurs and
2. Maximum velocity of piston.
3. Derive the relevant equations. (16)
(i) Deduce the expression for the inertia force in the reciprocating force neglecting the weight of the connecting rod. (8)
University : Anna University Chennai
Course : B.E Mechanical Engineering
Regulation : 2013
Subject Code: ME6505
Semester : 5 / V / Five
Name of the subject : ME6505 Dynamics of Machinery
ME6505 Dynamics of Machinery Important 2 marks and 16 marks starts here under:-
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. What is free body diagram?
2. Define static force analysis.
3. Differentiate between static and dynamic equilibrium.
4. Define applied and constraint forces.
5. Differentiate between static force analysis and dynamic force analysis.
6. Define inertia force.
7. Define inertia torque.
8. State D’Alembert’s principle.
9. State the principle of superposition.
10. Define piston effort.
11. Define crank effort and crank-pin effort.
12. What is meant by turning moment diagram or crank effort diagram?
13. Explain the term maximum fluctuation of energy in fly wheel.
14. Define coefficient of fluctuation of energy.
15. Define coefficient of fluctuation of speed.
16. Define coefficient of steadiness.
17. Why flywheels are needed in forging and pressing operations?
18. What is cam dynamics?
19. Define unbalance and spring surge.
20. Define windup. What is the remedy for camshaft windup?
PART-B (16 Marks)
1. For reciprocating engine, derive the expression for
(i) Velocity and acceleration of the piston
(ii) Angular velocity and angular acceleration of the connecting rod (16)
2. In a reciprocating engine mechanism, if the crank and connecting rod are 300 mm and 1 m long respectively and the crank rotates at a constant speed of 200 r.p.m. Determine analytically,
1. The crank angle at which the maximum velocity occurs and
2. Maximum velocity of piston.
3. Derive the relevant equations. (16)
(i) Deduce the expression for the inertia force in the reciprocating force neglecting the weight of the connecting rod. (8)
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