Saturday, November 14, 2015

M.Sc. (Part – II) (Semester – III),2014 Question Paper,Solapur University Question Paper,AGROCHEMICALS AND PEST MANAGEMENT Analysis of Agrochemicals (Paper – XI)

Solapur University Question Paper
M.Sc. (Part – II) (Semester – III) Examination, 2014
Analysis of Agrochemicals (Paper – XI)
Day and Date : Friday, 25-4-2014 Total Marks : 100
Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Instructions : i) All Sections are compulsory.
ii) Question 1 should be answered by choosing the correct
iii) Attempt in all five questions.
iv) From Questions No. 2 to 6 attempt any three questions.
v) All questions carry equal marks.
1. Compulsory (one mark each) : 20
1) What is the mobile phase in HPLC ?
a) Solid b) Liquid
c) Gas d) Super critical fluid
2) Arrange the following solvent in order of increasing viscosity at 30°C
(A) Benzene (B) Carbon tetrachloride
(C) Chloroform (D) Diethyl ether
a) D < A < C < B b) B < A < C < D
c) A < B < C < D d) None
3) The capillary constant in the Ilkovic equation is given by
a) m2/3t
1/6 b) D1/2m2/3 c) D1/2t
1/6 d) m1/3t
4) The current due to the supporting electrolyte is called
a) Residual current b) Diffusion current
c) Migration current d) None
5) Fluorescence is closely related to ___________ or __________ analysis.
a) Colorimetric and Spectrophotometric
b) Colorimetric and polarographic
c) Polarographic and amperometric
d) Amperometric and coulometric
SLR-VP – 11 -2-
6) Fluorescence and phosphorescence spectra generally consist of many lines,
mostly in the _____________ region.
a) UV b) Visible c) IR d) None
7) In the case of saturated ketones, the most intense band due to ∗ π → π
transition is around ___________
a) 175 nm b) 150 nm c) 190 nm d) 110 nm
8) The aromatic compounds containing one benzene ring absorb in the vicinity
2500 Å, while naphthalene containing two rings and anthracene having three
rings absorb at about __________ Å and __________ Å respectively.
a) 2700 and 3000 b) 2800 and 3200
c) 2900 and 3400 d) 3000 and 3600
9) How many fundamental modes of vibrations observed for linear molecule in
IR ?
a) 3n – 5 b) 3n – 6 c) 3n d) None of these
10) Which of the following region of infrared is extremely useful for spectroscopic
studies of organic compounds ?
a) Near Infrared b) Middle Infrared
c) Far Infrared d) None
11) How many types of hydrogen’s are present in the following compound ?
a) 3 b) 4 c) 2 d) 6
12) Which of the following doesn’t give NMR spectra ?
a) Boron-11 b) Nitrogen-15 c) Oxygen-16 d) All
13) Which of the following cation shows peak at 91 m/z in MS ?
a) Tropylium cation b) Hydroxy tropylium cation
c) Benzylium cation d) All
14) The basic unit of radioactivity is
a) Dynes b) Becquerel c) Siemens d) Debye
15) The mass spectrum of the compound M+2 peak has intensity 50% which
indicates that the compound contain ____________
a) Cl b) Oxygen
c) Br d) None of the above
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16) Which of the following is a nonmagnetic nucleus ?
a) 1H1 b) 6C12 c) 6C13 d) 15P31
17) Electron donating groups often ____________ fluorescence.
a) Quenching b) Enhance c) Decrease d) Remains same
18) Fermi resonance is a common phenomenon in
a) Raman spectra b) Infrared spectra
c) CO2 d) All
19) Which of the following vitamins are polarographically active ?
a) Thiamine b) Ascorbic acid
c) Riboflavin d) All
20) A diene has λmax at 244 nm. The diene may be
a) 1, 3-butadiene b) 1, 3, 5-hexatriene
c) 1, 4-pentadiene d) None
2. Draw a schematic diagram for experimental set up of the polarography and discuss
the principle and working of various components. Give its applications for analysis
of some important insecticides. 20
3. a) Discuss in detail the principle and working of HPLC. Give the applications of
HPLC in pesticide residue analysis. 10
b) Explain the methods used for the analysis of H2S and NO2. 10
4. a) How will you distinguish the following pairs by mass spectral methods ? 10
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b) Sketch the PMR spectrum of the following compounds. 10
I) Ethyl methyl ketone
II) Ethyl acetate
III) Methyl benzoate
IV) Ethyl benzoate.
5. a) Describe the applications of GC-MS in the analysis of agrochemicals. 10
b) Explain applications of fluorescence measurement in pesticide residue
analysis. 10
6. a) Sketch the optical diagram of UV-Visible spectrophotometer. How the UV
spectrum obtained ? What is λmax ? 10
b) Explain the theory of IR spectroscopy and factors affecting IR group
frequencies. 10
7. Write a note on any four of the following : 20
1) Coupling constant (J)
2) SO2 monitoring
3) Isotopic dilution method
4) Applications in qualitative and quantitative analysis
5) Structural factors in fluorescence.
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