Saturday, November 14, 2015

M.Sc. (Sem. – IV),APPLIED GEOLOGY (Paper – XIV),Solapur University Question Paper,2014 Question Paper

Solapur University Question Paper
M.Sc. (Sem. – IV) Examination, 2014
Energy Resources
Day and Date : Thursday, 24-4-2014 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
 N. B. : 1) Objective question is compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
3) Ans. any two questions from 2, 3 and 4.
4) Ans. any two questions from 5, 6, and 7.
5) Draw neat sketches wherever necessary.
1. Choose correct answers : 14
1) Coal occurs commonly in _____________ rocks.
a) Basinal b) Igneous
c) Metamorphic d) Mylonitic
2) Which one of the following is not a structural trap ?
a) Anticline b) Ancient shoreline
c) Faut d) Shear gene
3) The constituents which make coal are termed as _____________
a) Mineral b) Maceral c) Gems d) Clays
4) Which one of the following is non productive basin ?
a) Bombay b) Cambay c) Bhima d) Asam
5) A map prepared by joining equal thickness points is _____________ maps.
a) Isopatch b) Isohight c) Isobar d) Isocline
6) Pick out the non conventional energy resource.
a) Wood b) Coal c) Solar d) Rock oil
7) Which one of the following is renewable resource ?
a) Coal b) Hydrocarbon
c) Radioactive d) Tidal
8) Pick out suitable cap rock from
a) Lime stone b) Granite c) Shale d) Sandstone
9) Highest rank of the Coal is _____________
a) Lignite b) Bituminous c) Peat d) Anthracite
SLR-VE – 14
10) The first stage of coal formation is represented by _____________
a) Peatification b) Maturation
c) Catagenesis d) Metagenesis
11) Cambay basin falls in _____________ State.
a) Maharashtra b) Gujarat
c) M.P. d) U.P.
12) Migration of petroleum from the cap rock to atmosphere through soil cover is
termed as _____________
a) Primary b) Secondary
c) Tertiary d) None of these
13) The origin of petroleum is advocated from _____________ source.
a) Extra terrestrial b) Mantle
c) Intrusives d) Sedimentary basin
14) Quality of oil is measure by API degree _____________ of oil.
a) Viscosity b) Density
c) Gravity d) Fugacity
2. Describe various methods used to decide the quality of oil in laboratory. 14
3. Write an essay on the oil potential of Bombay High Basin. 14
4. Write in detail on the formation of coal. Add a note on their classification. 14
5. Write in short on any two : 14
a) Reservoir rocks.
b) Structural traps
c) Cap rocks.
6. Write in brief on any two : 14
a) Macerals
b) API gravity
c) Incipassination.
7. Describe in brief any two : 14
a) Non conventional energy resource.
b) Isopach maps.
c) Proximate analysis.
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