Saturday, November 14, 2015

Nov Dec 2015 Important Questions of PH6151 Engineering Physics I

Looking for PH6151 Engineering Physics I important questions ? You will find important questions of PH6151 Engineering Physics I for Anna University Chennai Examinations. We are hereby updating 01st semester PH6151 Engineering Physics I important questions, lecture notes, previous years question papers, model question papers, sample question papers, old question papers, 2 marks with answers and 16 marks questions. Provided here is 16 marks important questions of PH6151 Engineering Physics I.

Anna University Chennai
Common to All Departments
First Semester
PH6151 Engineering Physics I
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)

1. (i) How will you produce ultrasonic waves using piano electric oscillator (12)
(ii) A quarto crystal of thickness 0.005 m is vibrating at resonance. Calculate the fundamental and first overtone frequency, given the Young's Modulus in quarto as 7.9 x 10^10 N/m^2 and density of quarto 2630 kg/m^3

2. (i) Explain in detail how a A - Scan technique is employed to locate a defect. (12)
(ii) Find the depth of a submarine if an ultrasonic pulse reflected from the submarine is received
0.33 sec after sending out the ultrasonic waves. Given the sound velocity in sea water is 1440 m/sec

3. Elaborate on the three different ultrasonic NDT scans and their displays which are in common practice. (16)

4.(i) With a neat diagram, discuss the principle and inspection method of ultrasonic °aw detector.
(ii) Calculate the velocity of ultrasonic waves in water using acoustic grating. The frequency of the ultrasonic wave generated by transducer is 2 MHz. The distraction angle measured i s 8'45" in
the third order distraction pattern. Wavelength of laser light used in this experiment is 6328 deg A

5. Discuss the Einstein's theory of stimulated absorption, spontaneous and Stimulated emission of
radiation. What are the conditions for light amplification?

6. (i) Discuss the construction and working of a Nd : YAG laser. (8)
(ii) What are its advantages? (3)
(iii) Explain any two industrial applications of lasers. (5)

7. Describe the construction and working of He-Ne laser and their uses

8. (i) Derive the expression for the Einstein's coefficient of spontaneous and stimulated emissions (8)
(ii) Explain the construction and working of He-Ne laser (8)

9. (i) Obtain expression for numerical aperture and acceptance angle of an optical fibre (8)
(ii) Describe the double crucible technique of the production of fibre cables (8)

10. Give an account of fibre optic communication system and its advantages. (16)

11. (i) What is meant by attenuation? Discuss the different mechanisms which are responsible For attenuation in the optical fiber. (2 + 8)
(ii) Explain the working of a displacement sensor in detail. (6)

12. Explain the concept of optical fiber sensors and describe in detail about any two sensors

13. Solve Schrodinger's wave equation for a particle in a box (one dimensional) and obtain the
energy and eigen function. (16)

14. Using Quantum theory derive an expression for the average energy emitted by a black body and arrive at Planck’s radiation law in terms of frequency. State the assumptions before starting the derivation. (16)

15. Give an account of Scanning Electron Microscope.

16. Write down the Schrodinger's wave equation for a particle in a box. Solve it to obtain eigen function and show that eigen values discrete (16)

17. Show that the packing density of Hexagonal Closed Packed (PCP ) system is the same as that of Face Centered Cubic (FCC) system. (16)

18. Calculate the number of atoms per unit cell, coordination number and packing factor for FCC
and BCC structures.

19. What are the point and line imperfections in solid materials? Illustrate these imperfections with suitable sketches. (16)

20. (i) Define the terms polymorphism and allotropy. (2)
(ii) Explain in detail the crystal defects and their types. (14)

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  2. I Need ph6151 Nov Dec 2014 Question Paper by Anna University Chennai

  3. Please upload PH6151 Engineering Physics I May June 2013 Question Paper

  4. Please give me May June 2015 QP of PH6151

  5. Please upload all previous years question paper from 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 last semester question papers for PH6151


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