Solapur University Question Paper
M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – II) Examination, 2014
Paper – I : (CGPA Pattern) Advanced Bioinformatics (New)
Day and Date :Tuesday, 22-4-2014 Total Marks : 70
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Instructions :1) Part – I, question 1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any four questions from Part – II.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Answers to the Part – I and Part – II are to be written in
same answer booklet only.
1. A) Rewrite the sentence after choosing the correct answer from the given
alternatives : 7
1) EMBOSS is a _______________ tool.
a) MSA b) Multiple Scoring
c) Alignment d) DDBJ
2) MP in phylogenetic refers to _______________
a) Multiple Parsimony b) Maximum Parsimony
c) Maxxam Parsimony d) Maximum Phylogeny
3) SAGE stands for _______________
a) Sequence Analysis Gene Expression
b) Series Abstract Genome Expression
c) Serial Analysis of Gene Expression
d) None
4) In Dali-lite program graphical result is viewed by _______________ viewer.
a) Jet b) Jlib c) Jmol d) All of these
5) E-mail stands for _______________
a) Electronic mail b) Extra mail
c) Ethernet mail d) None of these
SLR-VR – 13
6) The PAM matrices were introduced by _______________
a) Margaret Dayhoff b) Feng and Doolittle
c) Henikoff and Henikoff d) None of these
7) Each amino acid corresponds to a _______________ turn in an alpha
a) 120° b) 100° c) 85° d) None of these
B) Definitions : 7
1) Synteny
2) Phylip
3) BankIt
4) Taxonomy
5) HMM
6) SAM
7) Comparative genomics.
Answer any four of the following :
2. Explain in detail sequence pattern and profile analysis and add a note on
Gribskov method. 14
3. What are scoring matrices and give a detailed derivation of PAM and BLOSSUM
matrices ? 14
4. Describe in detail identification of secondary structure elements from the
knowledge structure. 14
5. Explain protein arrays, its basic principles and applications. 14
6. Answer any two from the following : 14
a) Identification of SNPs from SNP database.
b) Explain the Mega blast algorithm and add a note of BLAST2.
c) Use of HMM based algorithm for MSA.
7. Write short notes on (any two) : 14
c) MUMmer.
M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – II) Examination, 2014
Paper – I : (CGPA Pattern) Advanced Bioinformatics (New)
Day and Date :Tuesday, 22-4-2014 Total Marks : 70
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Instructions :1) Part – I, question 1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any four questions from Part – II.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Answers to the Part – I and Part – II are to be written in
same answer booklet only.
1. A) Rewrite the sentence after choosing the correct answer from the given
alternatives : 7
1) EMBOSS is a _______________ tool.
a) MSA b) Multiple Scoring
c) Alignment d) DDBJ
2) MP in phylogenetic refers to _______________
a) Multiple Parsimony b) Maximum Parsimony
c) Maxxam Parsimony d) Maximum Phylogeny
3) SAGE stands for _______________
a) Sequence Analysis Gene Expression
b) Series Abstract Genome Expression
c) Serial Analysis of Gene Expression
d) None
4) In Dali-lite program graphical result is viewed by _______________ viewer.
a) Jet b) Jlib c) Jmol d) All of these
5) E-mail stands for _______________
a) Electronic mail b) Extra mail
c) Ethernet mail d) None of these
SLR-VR – 13
6) The PAM matrices were introduced by _______________
a) Margaret Dayhoff b) Feng and Doolittle
c) Henikoff and Henikoff d) None of these
7) Each amino acid corresponds to a _______________ turn in an alpha
a) 120° b) 100° c) 85° d) None of these
B) Definitions : 7
1) Synteny
2) Phylip
3) BankIt
4) Taxonomy
5) HMM
6) SAM
7) Comparative genomics.
Answer any four of the following :
2. Explain in detail sequence pattern and profile analysis and add a note on
Gribskov method. 14
3. What are scoring matrices and give a detailed derivation of PAM and BLOSSUM
matrices ? 14
4. Describe in detail identification of secondary structure elements from the
knowledge structure. 14
5. Explain protein arrays, its basic principles and applications. 14
6. Answer any two from the following : 14
a) Identification of SNPs from SNP database.
b) Explain the Mega blast algorithm and add a note of BLAST2.
c) Use of HMM based algorithm for MSA.
7. Write short notes on (any two) : 14
c) MUMmer.
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