Question Paper University : Gulbarga University
B.A. VI Semester Degree Examination
Paper-II : Computer Application in Libraries
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions: 1) Answer all the questions from Section A.
2) Answer any three questions from section B.
3) Answer any two questions from Section C.
Answer the following questions in not more than 3-4 sentences. [10x2=20]
1. What is computer
2. Expand MARC
3. What is Application Software?
4. What is search engine?
5. What is E-mail?
6. Which section of the library use the Bar code?
7. Which organization developed CDS/ISIS?
8. What is Hardware?
9. Expand KWIC?
10. Define automation.
Write the medium size answer to any three [3x10=30]
11. Describe the history of computer application in libraries.
12. Write a note on 'OPAC'
13. Discuss the procedure of computerized classification.
14. Discuss the procedure of computerized circulation.
15. Write a note on computerized stack verification.
Write essay type answers to any two questions: [2x15=30]
16. Explain the two computerized files of Book order section.
17. Write a note on hardware, software and humanware.
18. Write a note on Internet.
19. Explain the advantages of computerized information retrieval.
Course : BA Degree Examination
Semester of Paper : 6 / Sixth Semester / VI Semester
Title of the subject of the question paper :- Paper-II : Computer Application in Libraries
Year of the question paper : 2010B.A. VI Semester Degree Examination
Paper-II : Computer Application in Libraries
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions: 1) Answer all the questions from Section A.
2) Answer any three questions from section B.
3) Answer any two questions from Section C.
Answer the following questions in not more than 3-4 sentences. [10x2=20]
1. What is computer
2. Expand MARC
3. What is Application Software?
4. What is search engine?
5. What is E-mail?
6. Which section of the library use the Bar code?
7. Which organization developed CDS/ISIS?
8. What is Hardware?
9. Expand KWIC?
10. Define automation.
Write the medium size answer to any three [3x10=30]
11. Describe the history of computer application in libraries.
12. Write a note on 'OPAC'
13. Discuss the procedure of computerized classification.
14. Discuss the procedure of computerized circulation.
15. Write a note on computerized stack verification.
Write essay type answers to any two questions: [2x15=30]
16. Explain the two computerized files of Book order section.
17. Write a note on hardware, software and humanware.
18. Write a note on Internet.
19. Explain the advantages of computerized information retrieval.
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