Solapur University Question Paper
M.Sc. (Part – II) (Semester – III) Examination, 2014
Paper – IX : Pesticide Residues and Toxicology
Day and Date : Monday, 21-4-2014 Max. Marks : 100
Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Instructions : i) All Sections are compulsory.
ii) For Q. No. 1 write small alphabet of correct answer.
iii) From Section – II attempt any three questions.
iv) From Section – III attempt any four short notes.
1. Write correct alternative for the following questions : 20
I) ___________ is the movement of pesticides in water through the soil.
a) Leaching b) Run off
c) Adsorption d) Spray drift
II) ___________ kill the nematodes.
a) Nematicides b) Fungicides
c) Insecticides d) Rodenticides
III) The conversion of pesticides in to non toxic compounds by micro
organisms is called ___________
a) Biodegradation b) Photodegradation
c) Chemical transformation d) Adsorption
IV) Spray drift is affected by ___________
a) Size of spray droplets
b) Wind speed
c) Distance between nozzle and target plant
d) All of these
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V) Ingestion of ___________ contaminated grains by birds produces thin
and fragile eggs.
a) DDT b) Endrin
c) Hepatochlor d) PCBs
VI) Biocatalytical conversion of toxic substance into hydrophilic forms to
facilitate their excretion molecule is called ___________ from the body is
termed as
a) Bioconcentration b) Biotransformation
c) Detoxification d) Degradation
VII) ___________ deals with the poison, its type, symptoms and possible
a) Mechanistic toxicology b) Regulatory toxicology
c) Clinical toxicology d) Forensic toxicology
VIII) The dust particles in the air adsorb the pesticides and then contaminate
the water bodies through
a) Ground water b) Runoff water
c) Rain water d) Capillary water
IX) Disease minamata is caused due to chronic poisoning of ___________
a) Cadmium b) Arsenic
c) Lead d) Mercury
X) Inhibition of acetylcholine esterase is caused by ___________
a) DDT b) Carbamates
c) Fungicides d) None of these
XI) ___________ poisoning occurs as a result of repeated small, non-lethal
doses over a long period of time.
a) Chronic b) Acute
c) Moderate d) Lethal
XII) ___________ is the full form of WHO.
a) Worker’s Health Organisation
b) World Human Organization
c) World Head Master’s Organization
d) World Health Organization
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XIII) ___________ is more toxic.
a) Ethyl alcohol (100 ml) b) Sodium chloride (4 gm)
c) Phenobarbitol (0.15 g) d) Nicotine (0.0001g)
XIV) __________ is used for the metabolism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.
a) Cyt.p448 b) Cytp460
c) Cyt a d) Cyt b
XV) Bhopal gas tragedy occurred due to leakage of ___________ gas.
a) Methyl isocynate b) Propyl isocynate
c) Methyl isocyanide d) Chlorine
XVI) Pesticide residues in the fruits are analysed by ___________ technique.
a) HPLC b) Spectro photometry
c) Titrimetry d) Atomic absorption
XVII) Oxidation reduction and hydrolysis are the examples of ___________
a) Synthetic reactions b) Non synthetic reactions
c) Microsomal oxidation d) Enzymatic oxidation
XVIII) The term receptor was first introduced by ___________
a) Paul Ehrlich b) Welsh
c) Taub d) Jacob
XX) ___________ are essential for the normal functioning of enzymes.
a) Nucleic acids b) Carriers
c) Coenzymes d) Receptors
Instructions : i) Attempt any three questions from the following.
ii) All questions are compulsory.
iii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
2. What are pesticides ? Explain the fate of pesticides in the environment. 20
3. What is water pollution ? Explain the nature and origin of water pollution. 20
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4. Write an essay on toxicology and its scope. 20
5. Write in detail about various analytical methods used for detection of
pesticide residues. 20
6. Explain in detail about mechanism of action of any two pesticides you have
studied. 20
7. Write short notes on any four of the following : 20
a) Chemical toxicity
b) Biomagnification
c) Microsomal oxidases
d) Cytochrome P450
e) Hazards of soil pollution by pesticides
f) Functional tests based on carbohydrate metabolism.
M.Sc. (Part – II) (Semester – III) Examination, 2014
Paper – IX : Pesticide Residues and Toxicology
Day and Date : Monday, 21-4-2014 Max. Marks : 100
Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Instructions : i) All Sections are compulsory.
ii) For Q. No. 1 write small alphabet of correct answer.
iii) From Section – II attempt any three questions.
iv) From Section – III attempt any four short notes.
1. Write correct alternative for the following questions : 20
I) ___________ is the movement of pesticides in water through the soil.
a) Leaching b) Run off
c) Adsorption d) Spray drift
II) ___________ kill the nematodes.
a) Nematicides b) Fungicides
c) Insecticides d) Rodenticides
III) The conversion of pesticides in to non toxic compounds by micro
organisms is called ___________
a) Biodegradation b) Photodegradation
c) Chemical transformation d) Adsorption
IV) Spray drift is affected by ___________
a) Size of spray droplets
b) Wind speed
c) Distance between nozzle and target plant
d) All of these
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V) Ingestion of ___________ contaminated grains by birds produces thin
and fragile eggs.
a) DDT b) Endrin
c) Hepatochlor d) PCBs
VI) Biocatalytical conversion of toxic substance into hydrophilic forms to
facilitate their excretion molecule is called ___________ from the body is
termed as
a) Bioconcentration b) Biotransformation
c) Detoxification d) Degradation
VII) ___________ deals with the poison, its type, symptoms and possible
a) Mechanistic toxicology b) Regulatory toxicology
c) Clinical toxicology d) Forensic toxicology
VIII) The dust particles in the air adsorb the pesticides and then contaminate
the water bodies through
a) Ground water b) Runoff water
c) Rain water d) Capillary water
IX) Disease minamata is caused due to chronic poisoning of ___________
a) Cadmium b) Arsenic
c) Lead d) Mercury
X) Inhibition of acetylcholine esterase is caused by ___________
a) DDT b) Carbamates
c) Fungicides d) None of these
XI) ___________ poisoning occurs as a result of repeated small, non-lethal
doses over a long period of time.
a) Chronic b) Acute
c) Moderate d) Lethal
XII) ___________ is the full form of WHO.
a) Worker’s Health Organisation
b) World Human Organization
c) World Head Master’s Organization
d) World Health Organization
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XIII) ___________ is more toxic.
a) Ethyl alcohol (100 ml) b) Sodium chloride (4 gm)
c) Phenobarbitol (0.15 g) d) Nicotine (0.0001g)
XIV) __________ is used for the metabolism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.
a) Cyt.p448 b) Cytp460
c) Cyt a d) Cyt b
XV) Bhopal gas tragedy occurred due to leakage of ___________ gas.
a) Methyl isocynate b) Propyl isocynate
c) Methyl isocyanide d) Chlorine
XVI) Pesticide residues in the fruits are analysed by ___________ technique.
a) HPLC b) Spectro photometry
c) Titrimetry d) Atomic absorption
XVII) Oxidation reduction and hydrolysis are the examples of ___________
a) Synthetic reactions b) Non synthetic reactions
c) Microsomal oxidation d) Enzymatic oxidation
XVIII) The term receptor was first introduced by ___________
a) Paul Ehrlich b) Welsh
c) Taub d) Jacob
XX) ___________ are essential for the normal functioning of enzymes.
a) Nucleic acids b) Carriers
c) Coenzymes d) Receptors
Instructions : i) Attempt any three questions from the following.
ii) All questions are compulsory.
iii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
2. What are pesticides ? Explain the fate of pesticides in the environment. 20
3. What is water pollution ? Explain the nature and origin of water pollution. 20
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4. Write an essay on toxicology and its scope. 20
5. Write in detail about various analytical methods used for detection of
pesticide residues. 20
6. Explain in detail about mechanism of action of any two pesticides you have
studied. 20
7. Write short notes on any four of the following : 20
a) Chemical toxicity
b) Biomagnification
c) Microsomal oxidases
d) Cytochrome P450
e) Hazards of soil pollution by pesticides
f) Functional tests based on carbohydrate metabolism.
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