Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Solapur University Question Paper MICROBIOLOGY Paper -XII : Food and Dairy Microbiology 2014 Question Paper

Solapur University Question Paper M.Sc. (Semester – III) Examination, 2014 MICROBIOLOGY Paper – XII : Food and Dairy Microbiology Day and Date : Monday, 28-4-2014 Max Marks : 100 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Instructions :1) Part – I question 1 is compulsory. 2) Attempt any four questions from Part – II. 3) Figures to the right indicate marks. 4) Answer to the two Parts should be written in the same answer book. PART – I 1. Rewrite the following sentences by selecting the correct answer from given alternatives : 20 i) Ropiness in milk is mainly caused by _____________ a) Saccharomyces cerevisiae b) Alcaligenes viscolactis c) Geotrichum candidum d) Proteus vulgaris ii) The production of blue discolouration in milk by pseudomonas syncyanea is possible only in association with _____________ a) S. aureus b) Cl. botulinum c) S. lactis d) Penicillium iii) Streptococcus agalactia is associated with _____________ a) Mastitis b) Sore throat c) Scarlet fever d) Listeriosis iv) Milk serum is milk plasma minus _____________ a) Calcium b) Casein micelles c) Water d) Lactose v) Rancidity of cream is due to the breakdown of _____________ in cream. a) Lactose b) Fats c) Carbohydrates d) Proteins P.T.O. SLR-VO – 12 -2- vi) _____________ discolouration in both cream and butter is caused by pseudomonas nigrifaciens. a) Black b) Brown c) Blue d) Yellow vii) The ripening of cream _____________ the churning time during butter making. a) Reduces b) Inhances c) Increases d) Maintain viii) Homogenization _____________ the bacterial count of ice cream mix. a) Decreases b) Increases c) Maintain d) Reduces ix) The main end products produced in milk as a result of fermentation by leuconostocs are lactose, acetate and _____________ a) O2 b) CO c) CO2 d) Methane x) The alcohol content in kumiss ranges from _____________ %. a) 3 to 5 b) 6 to 8 c) 9 to 11 d) 1 to 2 xi) _____________ ions are essential for the proliferation of phages in lactic acid bacteria. a) Mn b) Ca c) Zn d) Mg xii) _____________ was the first person to correlate the cheese maturation with bacterial activity. a) Pasteur b) Koch c) Cohn d) Metchnikoff xiii) The late blowing in processed cheese is due to _____________ a) Clostridia b) Leuconostoc c) Penicillium d) Pseudomonas xiv) Brevibacterium lines is member of starter used for _____________ type of cheese manufacturing. a) Brick b) Swiss c) Blue d) Cheddar xv) Dahi provides an unfavorable medium for the proliferation of pathogens due to _____________ environment. a) Salty b) Acidic c) Neutral d) Alkaline xvi) _____________ is the most common contaminants in dahi. a) Penicillium b) Lactobacilli c) Yeast d) Coliforms -3- SLR-VO – 12 xvii) Food poisoning from Khoa is due to heat stable toxin produced by _____________ a) Streptococcus lactis b) Enterobacter c) Salmonella d) S. aureus xviii) Acetaldehyde is the major flavour compound in _____________ a) Kefir b) Yoghurt c) Kumiss d) Cheese xix) _____________ is a popular hard-pressed cheese variety which is ripened for 3 to 12 months. a) Cottage b) Brick c) Cheddar d) Blue xx) Chemically the typical aroma of butter consist of _____________ as the major factor. a) Diacetyl b) CO2 c) NO2 d) Aldehyde PART – II Attempt any four questions : 2. Describe in detail quality control and safety assurance in dairy industry. 20 3. Write on essay on bacterial food born infections. 20 4. Write an essay on spoilage of milk products. 20 5. Write short answers (any two) : 20 a) Explain food as substrate for microorgranisms. b) What are the principles of food preservation ? Explain food preservation by irradiation. c) Explain manufacture of Swiss Cheese. 6 Write short notes on (any four) : 20 a) Standardization of food products and casting b) Kefir c) Mastitis and Brucella test d) Antibiotics in food preservation e) Canned foods f) Microbial spoilage of fruits and vegetables. _____________
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