Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Solapur University Question Paper MICROBIOLOGY (Paper No. – XIII) Immunology and Immuno-Technology 2014 Question Paper

Solapur University Question Paper M.Sc. (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 MICROBIOLOGY (Paper No. – XIII) Immunology and Immuno-Technology Day and Date : Tuesday, 22-4-2014 Max. Marks : 100 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) Part – I, Question 1 is compulsory. 2) Attempt any four (4) questions from Part – II. 3) Figures to right indicate full marks. 4) Answers to Part – I and Part – II are to be written in same answer booklet only. PART – I 1. Rewrite the sentences after choosing correct answer from the given alternatives. 20 i) Mast cells and basophils _________________ a) are phagocytic b) circulate in the blood stream c) are found in lymph nodes d) release histamine ii) T-suppressor cells carry _____________ molecules as its specific marker. a) CD4 b) CD8 c) CD9 d) CD3 iii) Autoantibodies against acetyl-choline receptors are produced in _____________ a) Rheumatoid arthritis b) Myasthenia gravis c) Good pasture’s syndrome d) Pernicious anaemia SLR-VO – 13 -2- iv) Cytokines ______________ a) are lymphokines b) are monokines c) help to control and regulate immune response d) all of these v) IgE is produced by ______________ cells. a) Mast cells b) T cells c) B cells d) Macrophage vi) Anaphylaxis is an example of _____________ hypersensitive reaction. a) Type I b) Type – II c) Type – III d) Type IV vii) Activated B lymphocyte differ antigenic stimulus get differentiated in to _______________ a) plasma and memory cells b) plasma and CD4 cells c) NK and plasma cells d) NK and memory cells viii) The MHC is a collection of genes located on chromosome No. _________ in humans a) 15 b) 17 c) 6 d) None of these ix) IgG is produced by ______________ cells. a) Macrophage b) T cells c) B cells d) Mast cells x) _____________ disease can be diagnosed by HLA B27 by flowcytometry. a) Type I diabetes b) Graves disease c) Alkylosing spondilitis d) Systemic lupus erythematosus xi) In an autoimmune disease pernicious anaemia, antibodies are produced against ______________ a) folic acid b) vitamin B12 c) intrinsic factor d) none of these -3- SLR-VO – 13 xii) Immunity mediated by antibodies produced in the human or body fluids such as plasma or lymph is known as _____________ immunity. a) Cell mediated b) Humoral c) Natural active d) Artificial active xiii) Treatment of autoimmune disease includes a) Metabolic control b) Use of anti-inflammatory drugs c) Use of immunosuppressive drugs d) All of these xiv) Graves’ disease is also called ___________________ a) Thyrotoxicosis b) Adison’s disease c) Pernicious anaemia d) Hashimoto’s disease xv) The process of opsonisation is done by ______________ a) heat stable opsonins b) heat labile opsonins c) both a) and b) d) None of these xvi) Humoral immunity protects the body from _____________ pathogenic agents. a) Intracellular b) Extracellular c) Both a) and b) d) None of these xvii) An immune deficiency condition is called ______________ a) DiGeorge syndrome b) Down’s syndrome c) Sickle cell anaemia d) SLE xviii) Cytokines produced by virally infected cells are called _____________ a) interferons b) chemokines c) interleukins d) IL-42 xix) _______________ is a secondary lymphoid organ. a) MALT b) Spleen c) Lymph node d) All of these xx) The ability of a material to induce an immune response is referred to as _____________ a) Immunogenicity b) Immunogens c) Antigenic determinants d) Immunologic specificity PART – II Attempt any four (4) questions from Part II : 2. Write in detail on “Major Histo-compatibility Complex (MHC) of human being”. 20 3. Write in detail on “Functions of cytokines in : 20 a) Growth and differentiation b) Immune response c) Wound healing d) Chemotaxis and e) Inflammation process”. 4. Write essay on “Humoral and cell mediated immune response”. 20 5. Write in short on any two of the following : 20 a) HLA typing b) Innate immunity c) Rheumatoid arthritis. 6. Write short notes on any four of the following : 20 a) Tumour markers b) General properties of cytokines c) Antibody diversity d) Macrophage e) Natural killer cells f) Differentiate between active and passive immunity. _____________________
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