Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Solapur University Question Paper MICROBIOLOGY (Paper – XIV) Bioinformatics and Biometry 2014 Question Paper

Solapur University Question Paper M.Sc. (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 MICROBIOLOGY (Paper – XIV) Bioinformatics and Biometry Day and Date : Thursday, 24-4-2014 Total Marks : 100 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) Part I, Q. 1 is compulsory. 2) Attempt any four question from Part II. 3) Figures to the right indicates full marks. 4) Answer to the Part I and Part II are to be written in same answer booklet only. PART – I I. A) Rewrite the sentences after choosing the correct answer from the given alternatives : 10 1) BLAST is short form of basic local sequence alignment search tool proposed by __________________ 1) Elal Johnson 2) Eldler 3) Altchul 4) Needleman 2) __________________ and __________________ fluor dyes are used in DNA micro array. 1) Acridine orange and ethidium bromide 2) Cytrolinered and chromose blue 3) Cy 5 and Cy 3 4) Cy 8 and Cy 1 3) A __________________ , a mathematical relationship used to determine how the structural features of a molecule are related to biological activity. 1) QSAR 2) Chem. Finder 3) Rasmol 4) Chime SLR-VO – 14 -2- 4) __________________ is an excellent online resources for information on molecular pathways. 1) Entrez 2) KEGG 3) Secondary databases 4) QSAR 5) __________________ is a probabilistic statistical model used in sequence analysis where the probability of each nucleotide preceding it. 1) Markov model 2) Robert model 3) Needleman model 4) Wunsch model 6) __________________ is a recent convention for the unambiguous presentation of micro array data. 1) MAIML 2) MIAME 3) MAME 4) MAVE 7) The program is Rasmol is written by __________________ is perhaps the best known viewer for macromolecule structures. 1) Rogermore 2) Roger Sayle 3) Roger Waunch 4) Roger Demack 8) In the __________________ the distance is calculated as a simple average because candidate is weighed equally. 1) UPGMA 2) WPGMA 3) WGPMA 4) NJ 9) __________________ is a data retrieval tool maintained by Kyoto university and the university of Tokyo which covers more than 20 databases and is associated with KEGG. 1) NCBI 2) EMBL 3) DBGET 4) DDBJ 10) __________________ is the universal repository for protein structural data obtained by X-Ray crystallography. 1) PDI 2) PDB 3) Swiss PROT 4) PERL -3- SLR-VO – 14 B) Define the following OR explain : 10 1) EXPASY 2) F test 3) Null hypothesis 4) Regression 5) Confidence interval. PART – II Answer any four of Part II. 2. Write an essay on ANOVA. 20 3. Write an essay on use of bioinformatics in major research areas. 20 4. Give an account on role of bioinformatics in taxonomy and phylogeny. 20 5. Write short answers of any two from the following : 20 A) How to search and use databases with special reference to pubmed, pubmed central public library of sciences. B) Write short note on chemoinformatics. C) Write short note on collection and presentation of data. 6. Write short note on (any 4) : 20 1) Central tendency 2) Probability 3) Frequency distribution 4) Genomics 5) Prediction of 3D protein structure 6) Probabilistic models and associated algorithms. ––––––––––––––––––––
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