Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Solapur University Question Paper, MICROBIOLOGY (Paper – XV) Waste Management Technology 2014 Question Paper

Solapur University Question Paper M.Sc. – II (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 MICROBIOLOGY (Paper – XV) Waste Management Technology Day and Date : Saturday, 26-4-2014 Max. Marks : 100 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) Part – I Question 1 is compulsory. 2) Attempt any four questions from Part – II. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Answers to the Part – I and Part – II are to be written in same answer book only. PART – I 1. Rewrite the following sentences by selecting correct answer from given alternatives : 20 i) Generally sulfite waste liquor contain ___________ % of lignin. a) 10 – 15 b) 30 – 40 c) 50 – 60 d) 70 – 80 ii) ____________ are responsible for bulking of sludge in industrial waste treatment. a) Viruses b) Fungi c) Protozoa d) Rickettsia iii) The strength of sewage is measured by _________ a) COD b) TOC c) TIC d) BOD iv) The temperature of distillery waste (spent wash) at the time of discharge is _____________ °C. a) 70 – 90 b) 50 – 60 c) 30 – 40 d) 10 – 20 v) The ISI tolerance limit of BOD for industrial effluent discharged into public sewer is ___________ mg/L. a) 30 b) 50 c) 250 d) 500 vi) In activated sludge process, the floc formation is enhanced by ________ a) Proteins b) Lipids c) Metal ions d) Metalloids SLR-VO – 15 -2- vii) El Ni no effect is observed in ____________ a) Oceans b) Lakes c) Rivers d) Ponds viii) __________ method have been popularly used for the sludge dewatering in industrial waste treatment. a) Sludge drying beds b) Effluent treatment c) Trickling filter d) Vacuum filtration ix) In water tracing techniques __________ is used as a visible tracer. a) Azo dyes b) Vat dyes c) Fluorescent dyes d) Acid dyes x) The flocculation process is used for ____________ separation in industrial waste treatment. a) Liquid-solid b) Solid-solid c) Liquid-Liquid d) None of these xi) The major gas in atmosphere responsible for green house effect is _________ a) SO2 b) O3 c) NO2 d) CO2 xii) The lake poor in nutrients is __________ lake. a) Mesotrophic b) Oligotrophic c) Eutrophic d) All of these xiii) The waste water generated by _____________ industry is called spent wash. a) Textile b) Paper and pulp c) Cyanide d) Distillery xiv) __________ type of earthworms are widely used for vermicomposting. a) Eudrilus eugine b) Esenia foetida c) Rubella lumbricus d) Euglena eugine xv) Stratospheric zone is very important because it acts as _______ a) Virus filter b) Dust filter c) U.V. filter d) Bacteria proof filter xvi) ___________ is the primary technique used in gathering audit information. a) Audit interviews b) Documentation c) Public disclosure d) Audit protocol xvii) After entry of waste in river, there is formation of zone called _________ zone. a) Oligo b) Meso c) Poly d) α -3- SLR-VO – 15 xviii) ____________ method is generally used for industrial waste treatment by GEM. a) Bioaugmentation b) Bioaccumulation c) Biofilter d) Biofilm xix) Decreased level of ___________ in water enhances the toxicity of H2S. a) CO2 b) O2 c) N2 d) CO xx) Zoogloea ramigera organism play an important role in ___________ process for floc formation. a) Activated sludge b) Anaerobic sludge c) Oxidation ponds d) Septic tank PART – II 2. Write an essay on ‘Eutrophication’. 20 3. Write in detail characteristics and treatment of Textile industry waste water. 20 4. Write on types and characterization of industrial wastes. 20 5. Write short answers (any two) : 20 a) Critical operating parameters – DO and HRT. b) Water tracing. c) Genetically engineering microorganisms preservation and application. 6. Write short notes on (any four) : 20 a) Global warming b) Characteristics of cyanide waste c) Vermicomposting d) EA e) Bioaugmentation f) Enzyme and pollution. _____________________
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