Thursday, November 12, 2015

Solapur University Question Paper,CHEMISTRY (Special Paper – XVI),2014 Question Paper,B.Sc. III (Semester – VI)

Solapur University Question Paper
B.Sc. III (Semester – VI) Examination, 2014
CHEMISTRY (Special Paper – XVI)
Analytical and Industrial Organic Chemistry
Day and Date: Tuesday, 15-4-2014 Max. Marks : 50
Time: 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Draw neat, labeled diagrams and give equations wherever
1. Select the most correct alternative from those given below and rewrite the sentence. 10
i) Deriphat is a __________ detergent.
a) ampholytic b) anionic
c) cationic d) none of these
ii) ___________ is an example of synthetic fibre.
a) cotton b) wool c) silk d) polyester
iii) Percentage of water present in syrup is _________
a) 9 – 11 b) 85 c) 35 d) 50
iv) __________ material becomes permanently hard when heated above the critical
a) Thermosetting b) Thermoplastic
c) Elastomer d) Rubber
v) Bio-catalysts are __________ in action.
a) highly specific b) non-specific
c) stereospecific d) both a and c
vi) Alkaline hydrolysis of _________ is called saponification.
a) nitriles b) carbohydrates
c) fats and oils d) proteins
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vii) Bio-catalysts have following disadvantage/s.
a) They are not available on large scale
b) They are heat and pH sensitive
c) Their repeated use is not possible
d) All the above three
viii) Rf
 value depends on ___________
a) solvent system
b) temperature of environment
c) size of the vessel in which chromatogram is developed
d) all the three above
ix) __________ impart flexibility and smoothness to the warp threads.
a) Lubricants b) Brightners c) Starch d) Adhesives
x) In paper chromatography __________ is the mobile phase.
a) eluting solvent
b) water absorbed in cellulose fibres
c) solvent in which solute is dissolved
d) helium gas
2. Answer any five of the following : 10
i) Explain, hydrophilic and hydrophobic molecules.
ii) Sugarcane is milled immediately after its cutting. Explain.
iii) What are antistatic and antifoaming agents ?
iv) What is compound imbibition process ?
v) Explain the terms – desizing and singeing.
vi) Explain different types of soaps.
3. A) Answer any two of the following : 6
i) What is Rf value and explain why Rf value is less than 1 (one) ?
ii) What is polystyrene ? Give its preparation and uses.
iii) How is juice extracted from cane in sugar industry ?
B) Give classification of chromatographic methods based on nature of the mobile
phase and stationary phase. 4
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4. Answer any two of the following : 10
i) What are soaps ? Discuss the various types of soaps.
ii) Give preparation and uses of urea-formaldehyde resin.
iii) Define fermentation and explain the following terms :
a) Rectified spirit
b) Denatured spirit
c) Absolute alcohol
d) Power alcohol
5. Answer any two of the following : 10
i) What is sizing process and discuss different ingredients used for sizing ?
ii) State twelve principles of green chemistry and explain in detail atom economy
and design for energy efficiency.
iii) State the principle of paper chromatography and discuss the types of paper
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