Thursday, November 12, 2015

Solapur University Question Paper,BIOTECHNOLOGY (Old) Biometry – II,2014 Question Paper,B.Sc. I (Semester – II)

Solapur University Question Paper
B.Sc. I (Semester – II) Examination, 2014
Biometry – II
Day and Date : Monday, 19-5-2014 Max. Marks : 50
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
2) Use of calculator is allowed.
1. Choose the correct alternative and write the sentence. 10
I) Data taken from the “Reserve Bank of India Bulletin” will be considered as
a) Primary data b) Secondary data
c) Primary and secondary data d) Tertiary data
II) The number of observations corresponding to a variable is always
a) A fraction b) May be negative
c) An integer d) A whole number
III) Which of the following is the first step in calculating the median of data set ?
a) average the middle two values of the data set
b) arrange the data in order
c) determine the relative weights of the data values in terms of importance
d) not necessary to arrange
IV) Mode is
a) middle most value b) the minimum value
c) most frequent value d) the maximum value
V) If 10 is subtracted from each observation then mean of the set of n
observations is
a) not affected b) zero
c) increased by 10 d) decreased by 10
SLR-D – 17 -2- 
VI) In standard deviation, the deviations of the items xi
 are always taken from
a) mean b) median c) mode d) zero
VII) A measure of dispersion which is independent of units is
a) range b) mean deviation
c) coefficient of variation d) standard deviation
VIII) The key for opening a door is in a bunch of 10 keys. A man attempts to open
the door by trying the keys at random. The probability that the door is opened
a) 10
b) 10
c) 10
d) 10
IX) The formula for rank correlation coefficient is
a) N N

b) (N N)
1 3
σ − − + ∑
c) (N N)
1 D
σ −
+ ∑ d) N N
1 3

σ − ∑
X) If two events A and B are independent then the probability that they will both
occur is given by
a) P(A) + P(B) b) P(A)⋅P(B) c) P(A) −P(B) d) P(A)/P(B)
2. Answer any five of the following. 10
I) Define class mark and give an example.
II) Find out the value of median if mean = 16 and mode = 21.
III) If the smallest value in a set is 7 and its range is 85. What is the largest
value of the set is ?
IV) What are regression equations ? How they are useful ?
V) A die is thrown. Find the probability of getting an odd number.
VI) If the probability of hitting a target is 0.54. Write the probability of missing
the target.
 -3- SLR-D – 17
3. A) Answer any two of the following. 6
I) Mean of 100 items is found to be 30. If at the time of calculations two
items were wrongly taken as 32 and 12 instead of 23 and II, find the
correct mean.
II) For a distribution, the C.V. and mean are 80% and 20 respectively. Find
variance of that distribution.
III) One lottery ticket is drawn at random from set of 40 tickets numbered
from 1 to 40. What is the probability that the number on the ticket drawn
is divisible by 3 or 4.
B) State the importance of statistics in biological sciences. 4
4. Answer any two of the following. 10
I) Calculate the median from table below
Marks 0 − 10 10 − 20 20 − 30 30 − 40 40 − 50
Frequency 22 38 46 34 20
II) Discuss various types of diagramatic or graphical representation of data.
III) Write a short note on “Normal distribution”.
5. Answer any two of the following. 10
I) Calculate the standard deviation for the following data.
Size of item 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Frequency 3 6 9 13 8 5 4
II) Find the regression line of Y and X, for the following data.
X 18 26 28 31 25 19 35
Y 11 16 19 17 14 11 24
III) Write a note on one way ANOVA. (Analysis of variance).
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