Solapur University Question Paper
M.Sc. I (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
Geomorphology & Morphotectonics
Day and Date : Monday, 28-4-2014 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
N.B : 1) Answer any five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
3) Question 1 is compulsory.
4) Answer any two essay questions from 2, 3, 4.
5) Answer any two short note questions from 5, 6, 7.
6) Draw neat & labelled diagram wherever necessary.
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word. 14
1) ________ is the interpretative description of the relief features.
A) Geomorphology B) Geology
C) Geography D) All of the above
2) Complexity of geomorphic evolution is more common than simplicity was
defined by ________
A) Strabler B) Streets
C) Thornbury D) Monkhouse
3) Submergenic of the land refers to ________
A) Decline of sea level in relation to the land
B) Land beneath the water
C) Upliftment of the land
D) Rise of sea level in relation to the land
4) “Weathering may be defined as the mechanical fracturing or chemical
decomposition of rock by natural agents at the surface of the earth”
by _________
A) C.P. Ollier B) B.W. Sparks
C) Euler D) H. Hens
SLR-VE – 4 -2-
5) _________ weathering is also known as onoin weathering.
A) Exfoliation B) Hydration
C) Oxidation D) Carbonation
6) The process of hydration changes feldspar minerals into kaolinite is known
as _______
A) Hydrolysis B) Chelation
C) Kaolinization D) Solution
7) The landforms resulting from several cycles of erosion whether complete or
incomplete are called _________
A) Cyclic landforms B) Polycyclic landforms
C) Multicyclic landforms D) None of these
8) Which are the major factors that interrupt the normal cycle of erosion ?
A) Volcanic eruption B) Climatic changes
C) A & B both D) None of these
9) Who postulated the concept of geomorphic cycle of erosion ?
A) Walter Penck B) W.M.Davis
C) King D) Crikmay
10) Annular drainage pattern is also known as _____ pattern.
A) Barbed B) Pinnate
C) Rib D) Circular
11) The areas of accumulation of huge volume of ice are called _____
A) Snow lines B) Glaciers
C) Snow fields D) Ferm
12) What are pinnacles ?
A) Narrow Ridge B) Narrow Depression
C) Flat land D) None of these
13) An isolated mass or rock near coastline is called _____
A) Rias B) Stacks
C) Bars D) Roofs
14) The movement of two plates toward each other direction is called ____ plate
A) Constructive B) Destructive
C) Conservative D) None of these
-3- SLR-VE – 4
2. Explain fundamental concept in geomorphology. 14
3. Describe Erosional & depositional land form of River [Fluvial]. 14
4. What is drainage system ? Explain major drainage system. 14
5. Write short note on : 14
A) Lineament analysis
B) Beach process & shorelines changes.
6. Write small account on : 14
A) Cycle of Erosion
B) Chemical weathering
7. Discuss in brief : 14
A) Depositional landform of Aeolian
B) Polycyclic Relief.
M.Sc. I (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
Geomorphology & Morphotectonics
Day and Date : Monday, 28-4-2014 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
N.B : 1) Answer any five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
3) Question 1 is compulsory.
4) Answer any two essay questions from 2, 3, 4.
5) Answer any two short note questions from 5, 6, 7.
6) Draw neat & labelled diagram wherever necessary.
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word. 14
1) ________ is the interpretative description of the relief features.
A) Geomorphology B) Geology
C) Geography D) All of the above
2) Complexity of geomorphic evolution is more common than simplicity was
defined by ________
A) Strabler B) Streets
C) Thornbury D) Monkhouse
3) Submergenic of the land refers to ________
A) Decline of sea level in relation to the land
B) Land beneath the water
C) Upliftment of the land
D) Rise of sea level in relation to the land
4) “Weathering may be defined as the mechanical fracturing or chemical
decomposition of rock by natural agents at the surface of the earth”
by _________
A) C.P. Ollier B) B.W. Sparks
C) Euler D) H. Hens
SLR-VE – 4 -2-
5) _________ weathering is also known as onoin weathering.
A) Exfoliation B) Hydration
C) Oxidation D) Carbonation
6) The process of hydration changes feldspar minerals into kaolinite is known
as _______
A) Hydrolysis B) Chelation
C) Kaolinization D) Solution
7) The landforms resulting from several cycles of erosion whether complete or
incomplete are called _________
A) Cyclic landforms B) Polycyclic landforms
C) Multicyclic landforms D) None of these
8) Which are the major factors that interrupt the normal cycle of erosion ?
A) Volcanic eruption B) Climatic changes
C) A & B both D) None of these
9) Who postulated the concept of geomorphic cycle of erosion ?
A) Walter Penck B) W.M.Davis
C) King D) Crikmay
10) Annular drainage pattern is also known as _____ pattern.
A) Barbed B) Pinnate
C) Rib D) Circular
11) The areas of accumulation of huge volume of ice are called _____
A) Snow lines B) Glaciers
C) Snow fields D) Ferm
12) What are pinnacles ?
A) Narrow Ridge B) Narrow Depression
C) Flat land D) None of these
13) An isolated mass or rock near coastline is called _____
A) Rias B) Stacks
C) Bars D) Roofs
14) The movement of two plates toward each other direction is called ____ plate
A) Constructive B) Destructive
C) Conservative D) None of these
-3- SLR-VE – 4
2. Explain fundamental concept in geomorphology. 14
3. Describe Erosional & depositional land form of River [Fluvial]. 14
4. What is drainage system ? Explain major drainage system. 14
5. Write short note on : 14
A) Lineament analysis
B) Beach process & shorelines changes.
6. Write small account on : 14
A) Cycle of Erosion
B) Chemical weathering
7. Discuss in brief : 14
A) Depositional landform of Aeolian
B) Polycyclic Relief.
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