University Of Pune Question Paper
SYMCA (Engg. Faculty)
(Semester-IV) (2008 Pattern) (610910)
Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
1) From Section – I answer (Q1 or Q2) and (Q3 or Q4) and (Q5 or Q6)
2) From Section –II ( Q7 or Q8) and ( Q9 or Q10) and (Q11 or Q12)
3) Answers to two sections should be written in separate answer books.
4) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
5) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.
6) Make suitable assumptions wherever and relevant.
Q1) a) Comment on and explain:
i) To improve the performance of HTTP Byte serving is used in it.
ii) “HTTP requests using GET should not have the significance of taking an
action other than retrieval.”
b) What is tier? Compare 2-tier architecture with 3-tier architecture. [6]
Q2) a) What is WWW? Explain 3-tier architecture for any modern web application. [6]
b) What is CSS? What are the various ways to apply a CSS to an HTML document?
Write a code to link an HTML Document to an External Style Sheet.
Q3) a) Create a static HTML page that displays the following output using frame:
My Profile
Name : -
Contact No : -
[4366]-402 Page 2 of 3
b) How to create interactive web pages in using different DHTML components? [6]
Q4) a) What is Scripting? Explain the two kinds of procedures in VBScript with
b) Explain with example primitive data types of VBScript. [5]
Q5) a) What are the different ways to write VBScript in HTML document? Explain
with suitable example.
b) What is DOM? How it is used in DHTML to making dynamic web pages? [6]
Q6) a) What are main differences between
i) ASP and JSP
ii) VBScript and JavaScript
b) Write a code in HTML that display the HTML form as shown in Fig below:
(When user enters the data in the text boxes & click the submit button, he/she
should be redirected to another page with any of the submission method)
Q7) a) What are different types of functions in JavaScript? Write a function to calculate
Average of variables a, b and c. Input must be taken from user and also embed
this script in a web page.
b) What is Event? Write short note on event handling in JavaScript with example. [6]
Q8) a) Write a short note on JSP Architecture? Explain how web page is execute in JSP. [6]
b) What is Ajax? Explain Client-server communication Ajax technique in Web
application with suitable example.
User Name:
Submit Reset
[4366]-402 Page 3 of 3
Q9) a) Explain the features of implicit objects in JSP. Describe any 4 types of implicit
b) Write JavaScript code to find out maximum of three numbers ( All three numbers
should be accepted from user and display the maximum among them in new text
box on click of “Find Max” button)
Q10) a) What are main differences between
i) ASP and ASP.NET
ii) ADO and ADO.NET
b) What is ASP? What are different objects in ASP? [5]
Q11) a) What is validation? Write syntax of all validation controls in ASP.NET and
validate the following Registration form using validation controls of ASP.NET.
Registration form sample
User ID :
Name :
Age ;
Mobile No :
Register Reset
b) What is difference between HTML server control and Web server control in
Q12) a) Write Short Note on (Solve any three)
a) XML HttpRequest Object in Ajax.
b) Global.asa file
d) Web.Config file.
SYMCA (Engg. Faculty)
(Semester-IV) (2008 Pattern) (610910)
Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions to the candidates:
2) From Section –II ( Q7 or Q8) and ( Q9 or Q10) and (Q11 or Q12)
3) Answers to two sections should be written in separate answer books.
4) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
5) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.
6) Make suitable assumptions wherever and relevant.
Q1) a) Comment on and explain:
i) To improve the performance of HTTP Byte serving is used in it.
ii) “HTTP requests using GET should not have the significance of taking an
action other than retrieval.”
b) What is tier? Compare 2-tier architecture with 3-tier architecture. [6]
Q2) a) What is WWW? Explain 3-tier architecture for any modern web application. [6]
b) What is CSS? What are the various ways to apply a CSS to an HTML document?
Write a code to link an HTML Document to an External Style Sheet.
Q3) a) Create a static HTML page that displays the following output using frame:
My Profile
Name : -
Contact No : -
[4366]-402 Page 2 of 3
b) How to create interactive web pages in using different DHTML components? [6]
Q4) a) What is Scripting? Explain the two kinds of procedures in VBScript with
b) Explain with example primitive data types of VBScript. [5]
Q5) a) What are the different ways to write VBScript in HTML document? Explain
with suitable example.
b) What is DOM? How it is used in DHTML to making dynamic web pages? [6]
Q6) a) What are main differences between
i) ASP and JSP
ii) VBScript and JavaScript
b) Write a code in HTML that display the HTML form as shown in Fig below:
(When user enters the data in the text boxes & click the submit button, he/she
should be redirected to another page with any of the submission method)
Q7) a) What are different types of functions in JavaScript? Write a function to calculate
Average of variables a, b and c. Input must be taken from user and also embed
this script in a web page.
b) What is Event? Write short note on event handling in JavaScript with example. [6]
Q8) a) Write a short note on JSP Architecture? Explain how web page is execute in JSP. [6]
b) What is Ajax? Explain Client-server communication Ajax technique in Web
application with suitable example.
User Name:
Submit Reset
[4366]-402 Page 3 of 3
Q9) a) Explain the features of implicit objects in JSP. Describe any 4 types of implicit
b) Write JavaScript code to find out maximum of three numbers ( All three numbers
should be accepted from user and display the maximum among them in new text
box on click of “Find Max” button)
Q10) a) What are main differences between
i) ASP and ASP.NET
ii) ADO and ADO.NET
b) What is ASP? What are different objects in ASP? [5]
Q11) a) What is validation? Write syntax of all validation controls in ASP.NET and
validate the following Registration form using validation controls of ASP.NET.
Registration form sample
User ID :
Name :
Age ;
Mobile No :
Register Reset
b) What is difference between HTML server control and Web server control in
Q12) a) Write Short Note on (Solve any three)
a) XML HttpRequest Object in Ajax.
b) Global.asa file
d) Web.Config file.
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