Sunday, November 22, 2015

Third Year B. Pharmacy,2013 Question Paper,3.4 : PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYSIS – II,University Of Pune Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
Third Year B. Pharmacy Examination, 2013
 (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Answer to the two Sections should be written in
separate answer books.
3) Neat diagram must be drawn wherever necessary.
1. What are the advantages and applications of instrumental methods of analysis ?
Classify these methods and explain your concept of selection of analytical
method/technique. 10
Describe in details theory and instrumentation of double beam UV-VIS
2. Attempt any five questions from following : 15
a) Write note on abbe’s refractometer.
b) Provide comparative aspects of nephelometry and turbidometry.
c) Write in detail about line broadening and Doppler effect.
d) What are the methods of quantitation by UV-VIS spectrophotometry ?
e) Describe various deviations to Beer’s law.
f) Explain in detail concept of molecular luminescence.
g) Explain with example excitation and emission fluorescence spectra.
3. Write note on any three : 15
a) Background correction based on source self reversal
b) Factors affecting fluorescence
c) Interaction of EMR with analyte
d) Measurement of angle of refraction
e) Glow discharge atomizer
4. Classify electroanalytical techniques and describe instrumentation and
applications of polarography. 10
Classify chromatographic techniques and describe qualitative and quantitative
aspects of chromatographic analysis.
5. Attempt any five questions from following : 15
a) Explain the principle of paper chromatography.
b) Write applications of TLC technique.
c) Coulometric analysis.
d) Describe different types of DSC techniques in brief.
e) Describe various types of development in electrophoresis.
f) Chromatographic column performance parameters.
g) Explain the concept and applications of biamperometric titrations.
6. Write note on any three : 15
a) Isothermal titration calorimetry
b) Applications of paper chromatography
c) Two dimensional TLC
d) Types of HPTLC plates
e) Ilkovic equation and factors affecting diffusion current.
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