University Of Pune Question Paper
Third Year B. Pharmacy Examination, 2013
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions : 1) Answers to the two Sections should be written in
separate books.
2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
3) Black figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) All questions are compulsory.
1. Discuss the physicochemical, biopharmaceutical and therapeutic aspects of
design of dosage form. 10
Explain the equipments used for tablet coating and manufacturing problems and
remedies during tablet coating. 10
2. Solve any five : 15
a) What is lubrication efficiency ? How it is calculated ?
b) What are Heckel plots ? Give its significance.
c) What is need of granulation ?
d) Explain defects in tablet manufacturing along with its reasons and remedies.
e) Discuss mechanism of granulation.
f) Explain steps in sugar coating.
g) Explain the process of gelatin manufacturing.
3. Write short note on any three : 15
a) Preformulation
b) In-process and finished product evaluation of capsules
c) Mouth dissolving tablets
d) Compression coated tablets
e) Chewable tablets.
[4355] – 301 -2-
4. Discuss stability of emulsion with respect to 10
a) Thermodyna stability
b) Electrical stability
Classify hair removal products. Discuss the formulation and evaluation of
depilatories. 10
5. Solve any five : 15
a) Write a brief note of choice of emulsifier.
b) What is phase inversion temperature ? Give its significance.
c) Explain in brief significance of various cosmeceutical agents.
d) Discuss the evaluation of antacid suspension.
e) Discuss formulation principles of vanishing cream.
f) Explain functioning mechanism of shaving cream.
g) Classify skin cosmetics.
6. Write short notes on any three : 15
a) Gels
b) Eye products
c) Nail lacquer
d) Face packs
e) Lip stick
Third Year B. Pharmacy Examination, 2013
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions : 1) Answers to the two Sections should be written in
separate books.
2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
3) Black figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) All questions are compulsory.
1. Discuss the physicochemical, biopharmaceutical and therapeutic aspects of
design of dosage form. 10
Explain the equipments used for tablet coating and manufacturing problems and
remedies during tablet coating. 10
2. Solve any five : 15
a) What is lubrication efficiency ? How it is calculated ?
b) What are Heckel plots ? Give its significance.
c) What is need of granulation ?
d) Explain defects in tablet manufacturing along with its reasons and remedies.
e) Discuss mechanism of granulation.
f) Explain steps in sugar coating.
g) Explain the process of gelatin manufacturing.
3. Write short note on any three : 15
a) Preformulation
b) In-process and finished product evaluation of capsules
c) Mouth dissolving tablets
d) Compression coated tablets
e) Chewable tablets.
[4355] – 301 -2-
4. Discuss stability of emulsion with respect to 10
a) Thermodyna stability
b) Electrical stability
Classify hair removal products. Discuss the formulation and evaluation of
depilatories. 10
5. Solve any five : 15
a) Write a brief note of choice of emulsifier.
b) What is phase inversion temperature ? Give its significance.
c) Explain in brief significance of various cosmeceutical agents.
d) Discuss the evaluation of antacid suspension.
e) Discuss formulation principles of vanishing cream.
f) Explain functioning mechanism of shaving cream.
g) Classify skin cosmetics.
6. Write short notes on any three : 15
a) Gels
b) Eye products
c) Nail lacquer
d) Face packs
e) Lip stick
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