Monday, November 23, 2015

Tilka Manjhi University MBBS Physiology I 2011 Question Paper

Are you looking for Physiology I MBBS Old Question Papers of Tilka Manjhi University ? You can here collect one of the exam paper held in 2011 for Tilka Manjhi University MBBS course. Read the contents of the questions provided below and save a copy of it for your future reference.

Tilka Manjhi University
M.B.B.S. (I) Physiology I
Time: 3 Hours
Full Marks: 50

1. What do you mean by Homeostasis? What are the different body systems that contribute to the maintenance of homeostasis? (3+7=10)

2. Discuss the mechanism of Concentration of Urine. What is Diabetes insipidus? (3+7=10)

3. Write short notes on any three of the following: (4*3=12)

(a) Sickle Cell disease

(b) Hyperpyrexia

(c) Rigor mortis

(d) Oxytocin

4. What do you mean by Excitation - Contraction coupling? Discuss the mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction.

5. Explain why: (2*4=8)

(a) Venous blood is more fragile than arterial blood.

(b) Gastric mucosa is not eroded by HCl that it secrets.

(c) Blood becomes alkaline after meal.

(d) Menstrual blood does not clot. 
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