Looking Environmental studies BA or B.Sc old previous years papers of Tumkur University ? You can here get April May 2012 Question Paper of BA, B.B.M / B.B.M.N / B.C.A / B.C.A.N / B.com / B.com N / B.S.C Exam held from Tumkur University. Download the exam paper in text provided below.
Q.P Code: 10902
Tumkur University Old Question Paper
B.A / B.B.M / B.B.M.N / B.C.A / B.C.A.N / B.com / B.com N / B.S.C Examination
April / May 2012 Question Paper
(Semester Scheme)
Environmental Studies
Time:3 Hours
Max.Marks: 90
Instruction: 1) Answer all Sections.
2) Draw diagrams Wherever necessary.
3) Answer should be Completely either in Kannada or English.
I. Answer any ten of the following: [MARKS 20]
1) Mention any two scopes of Environmental Education.
2) Distinguish between Afforestation and Agroforestry.
3) What are Endangered Species ? Give example.
4) What is Ecosystem ? Mention any two Aquatic Ecosystem.
5) What are Hot spots ? Mention the hot spots of India.
6) What is Acid Rain ? Name any two pollutants which cause acid rain.
7) Mention any four reasons for ozone depletion.
8) Give the full form of: 1)AIDS and 2)HIV.
9) Mention any two Environmental Movements.
10) Write a note on Cyclones.
11) Define "Vanamohastava". In which month this programme is held in India.
12) What is family planning ? Mention its importance.
II. Answer any five of the following: [MARKS 25]
1) Explain the effects of mining activities on nature.
2) Differentiate between Food Chain and Food Web.
3) What are the advantage of Solar energy and Wind energy ?
4) Explain In-situ conservation of Bio-diversity.
5) Explain Green house Effect.
6) What is meant by Value Education?Discuss value based Environmental Education.
7) Explain the programmes undertaken by Indian Govt.for Child Welfare.
III. Answer any three of the following: [MARKS 45]
1) Explain:
1) Over grazing
2) Dams and Reservoirs
3) Importance of Human Rights.
2) Explain the values of Bio-diversity.
3) Describe the problems posed by population explosion.
4) What is air pollution? Explain causes, effects and control measure of air pollution.
5) What is Ecological Pyramids? Describe the different types of Pyramids.
Q.P Code: 10902
Tumkur University Old Question Paper
B.A / B.B.M / B.B.M.N / B.C.A / B.C.A.N / B.com / B.com N / B.S.C Examination
April / May 2012 Question Paper
(Semester Scheme)
Environmental Studies
Time:3 Hours
Max.Marks: 90
Instruction: 1) Answer all Sections.
2) Draw diagrams Wherever necessary.
3) Answer should be Completely either in Kannada or English.
I. Answer any ten of the following: [MARKS 20]
1) Mention any two scopes of Environmental Education.
2) Distinguish between Afforestation and Agroforestry.
3) What are Endangered Species ? Give example.
4) What is Ecosystem ? Mention any two Aquatic Ecosystem.
5) What are Hot spots ? Mention the hot spots of India.
6) What is Acid Rain ? Name any two pollutants which cause acid rain.
7) Mention any four reasons for ozone depletion.
8) Give the full form of: 1)AIDS and 2)HIV.
9) Mention any two Environmental Movements.
10) Write a note on Cyclones.
11) Define "Vanamohastava". In which month this programme is held in India.
12) What is family planning ? Mention its importance.
II. Answer any five of the following: [MARKS 25]
1) Explain the effects of mining activities on nature.
2) Differentiate between Food Chain and Food Web.
3) What are the advantage of Solar energy and Wind energy ?
4) Explain In-situ conservation of Bio-diversity.
5) Explain Green house Effect.
6) What is meant by Value Education?Discuss value based Environmental Education.
7) Explain the programmes undertaken by Indian Govt.for Child Welfare.
III. Answer any three of the following: [MARKS 45]
1) Explain:
1) Over grazing
2) Dams and Reservoirs
3) Importance of Human Rights.
2) Explain the values of Bio-diversity.
3) Describe the problems posed by population explosion.
4) What is air pollution? Explain causes, effects and control measure of air pollution.
5) What is Ecological Pyramids? Describe the different types of Pyramids.
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