Monday, November 30, 2015

University Of Pune Question Paper, (Paper - 3.1) Doing Research - I,M.A. (Part - II)(Sem. - III),2012 Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
M.A. (Part - II)
 Doing Research - I
(Paper - 3.1) (Sem. - III) (2008 Pattern)
Time :3 Hours] [Max. Marks :80
Instructions to the candidates:-
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Answer the following (Any two) :
a) Describe the advantages of a culture encouraging research.
b) Illustrate with suitable examples the difference between search and research.

c) What are the attitudes necessary for a researcher?
Q2) Answer the following (Any two) :
a) What criteria should a researcher apply to choose his/her research topic?
b) Do you think that anybody can be a researcher or is it a specialized
ability? Give your reasons.
c) Can a researcher decide a research topic instinctively? Elaborate your
Q3) Answer the following (Any two) :
a) Discuss with suitable examples why an extensive survey of relevant
literature is necessary before finalizing the research topic.
b) Why is a hypothesis important in any research? Can any research be
conducted without a hypothesis? Illustrate your answer with suitable
c) ‘The aim of all research is enrichment of knowledge, but each research
project may have its specific objectives.’ Discuss with suitable examples.
Q4) Answer the following (Any two) :
a) Describe with appropriate examples how a researcher determines the
scope and limitations of his/her research project.
b) Discuss the relationship between research method, the aims and
objectives, hypothesis and the resources of the researcher.
c) What is the difference between a research proposal and a research report?
Q5) Answer the following (Any four) :
a) For your M. Phil. dissertation, you want to work on postcolonial elements
in Chinua Achebe’s novels. Prepare a research proposal for the same.
b) Define the scope and limitations of research on ‘A Study of Grammatical
Competence of Students who have passed the 10th Standard Examination.’
c) Formulate a hypothesis for a research on relevance of Communicative
Language Teaching for Teaching English as L2 to secondary school
d) Prepare a sample questionnaire for a research on teaching techniques
used by teachers of English language in rural areas.
e) Which method of data collection will be suitable for a research on
percentage of students copying in college examinations?
f) Describe the logic by which you will formulate a valid research topic in
the area of contemporary critical theory.

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