University Of Pune Question Paper
B.H.M.C.T. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 40
N.B : Please note all questions carry equal marks. Attempt any four questions.
1. a) Explain the following terms (any 5). 5
1) Coffee shop
2) Banquets
3) Night club
4) Fine dining restaurant
5) Executive Lounge
6) Dispense Bar.
b) Explain interdepartmental relation between F and B service and 5
1) Kitchen stewarding
2) Front office.
2. a) Differentiate in between, 6
1) Mis-en-place and Mis-en-scene
2) Single point service and specialized service.
b) Write usage of the following equipments. 4
1) Sundae spoon
2) Steak knife
3) Caviar knife
4) Fondue fork
5) Lobster cracker
6) Cocotte dish.
3. a) Draw a neat organization chart of a F and B department in a Five Star Hotel. 4
b) Job Description of (any 2). 4
1) Restaurant Manager
2) Maitre-D-Hotel
3) Chef De Rang.
c) Explain : 2
1) Pub
2) Bar.
[4676] – 102
4. a) Classify catering establishment with one example each. 4
b) List down four attributes of F and B personnel. 4
c) What care will you, as a restaurant manager take of Glassware ? 2
5. a) Write short note on : 4
1) English Service
2) American Service.
b) Explain the terms (any 3). 6
1) Take Away
2) Automats
3) Lounger service
4) Buffet.
6. a) Explain : 4
1) French Service
2) Russian Service.
b) List down the auxiliary areas and explain any one. 6
B.H.M.C.T. (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 40
N.B : Please note all questions carry equal marks. Attempt any four questions.
1. a) Explain the following terms (any 5). 5
1) Coffee shop
2) Banquets
3) Night club
4) Fine dining restaurant
5) Executive Lounge
6) Dispense Bar.
b) Explain interdepartmental relation between F and B service and 5
1) Kitchen stewarding
2) Front office.
2. a) Differentiate in between, 6
1) Mis-en-place and Mis-en-scene
2) Single point service and specialized service.
b) Write usage of the following equipments. 4
1) Sundae spoon
2) Steak knife
3) Caviar knife
4) Fondue fork
5) Lobster cracker
6) Cocotte dish.
3. a) Draw a neat organization chart of a F and B department in a Five Star Hotel. 4
b) Job Description of (any 2). 4
1) Restaurant Manager
2) Maitre-D-Hotel
3) Chef De Rang.
c) Explain : 2
1) Pub
2) Bar.
[4676] – 102
4. a) Classify catering establishment with one example each. 4
b) List down four attributes of F and B personnel. 4
c) What care will you, as a restaurant manager take of Glassware ? 2
5. a) Write short note on : 4
1) English Service
2) American Service.
b) Explain the terms (any 3). 6
1) Take Away
2) Automats
3) Lounger service
4) Buffet.
6. a) Explain : 4
1) French Service
2) Russian Service.
b) List down the auxiliary areas and explain any one. 6
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