Thursday, November 19, 2015

University Of Pune Question Paper,301 : FOOD PRODUCTION – III,B.H.M.C.T. (Semester – III),2014 Qusetion Paper,

University Of Pune Question Paper
B.H.M.C.T. (Semester – III) Examination, 2014
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 40
Note : 1) All questions carry equal marks.
2) Attempt any 4 questions.
3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
1. A) Describe the essentials for smooth functioning of industrial food kitchen. 3
B) Write the points to be considered while planning a menu for institutional catering. 3
C) Plan a Rajasthani Food Festival Menu. 4
2. A) Enlist the cake making methods and discuss any one method in detail. 5
B) Write the principles of baking and explain the term Bakers percentage in detail. 5
3. A) Explain step by step method of bread making. 6
B) Describe the physical and chemical changes occurs during baking. 4
4. Answer in short (any 5) : 10
1) Describe any 2 special equipments used in Kerala cuisine.
2) Name any 4 tools used in bakery.
3) Describe Dum pukt cuisine and mention its origin.
4) Name any 2 bread disease.
5) Role of dairy products in bakery and confectionary.
6) Describe the concept of recipe balancing.
7) “M” fault and dome shape in cake making.
[4676] – 301 -2-
5. Explain the following culinary terms (any 10) : 10
1) Pachadi
2) Mangodi
3) Anarsa
4) Oven spring
5) Rajbhog
6) Sheermal
7) Dalcha
8) Haleem
9) Moilee
10) Bibinka
11) Sweating in bread
12) Shortening.

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