Tuesday, November 24, 2015

University Of Pune Question Paper,501 : CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM,M.C.A. (Commerce Faculty) (Semester – V),2013 Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
M.C.A. (Commerce Faculty) (Semester – V) Examination, 2013
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Draw the diagrams and screenshots wherever necessary.
1. Attempt the following (any four) : (4×4=16)
a) Explain ‘Aggregation’ in detail.
b) Explain-content is named information.
c) Explain any eight teaching Do’s.
d) Content is information put to use – Explain.
e) What are the limitations of content management regarding tools ?
2. Attempt the following (any four) : (4×4=16)
a) What are the collection services of collection system ?
b) How to gauge the complexity by ‘amount of contribution’ ?
c) What is data ? On which three types of information it depends ?
d) What is ‘formatting for effect’ ? Explain.
e) Explain static website with diagram.
3. Attempt the following (any four) : (4×4=16)
a) Explain five myths about teaching with moodles.
b) Define CMS. Explain – CM is the combination of content-related discipline.
c) Explain ‘Repository of management system’.
d) How to gauge complexity by the no. of publications ?
e) What is functionality ? Explain monolythic versus mix-and-match
4. Attempt the following (any four) : (4×4=16)
a) Explain web-CMS with diagram.
b) What is structure ? Explain structure is important.
c) Which activities are involved while organizing information into content ?
d) Explain any four principles of moodle.
e) What is publishing system ? Explain publishing templates.
5. Write the steps for the following (any four) : (4×4=16)
a) Create a website for a computer hardware and delete an article showing
information of floppy disk, in Joomla.
b) Create a website for car showroom and add Meta tag to it in Joomla.
c) Create a website for cosmetics such that it Navigates to types of cosmetics
in Joomla.
d) Create a new user to create a news article and Edit that article in Joomla.
e) How to create new template in Joomla / CMS – made simple ?
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