University Of Pune Question Paper
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - II) Examination - 2012
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Answer any four from Q. Nos. 2 to 7.
Q.1) Define : (Any Five) [5x2=10]
(a) Oedema
(b) Nutrient
(c) Hollow Calories
(d) Vitamins
(e) Hydrogenation of Oil
(f) Health
Q.2) (A) Match the following nutrients in column ‘A’ with the deficiency
disease in column ‘B’ : [05]
‘A’ ‘B’
(a) Niacin (i) Scurvy
(b) Vitamin ‘B’ (ii) Pernicious Anaemia
(c) Folic Acid (iii) Beri Beri
(d) Ascorbic Acid (iv) Pellagra
(e) Vitamin A (v) Night Blindness
(vi) Rickets
(B) Give reason : (Any Five) [5x2=10]
(a) Fruits and Vegetables should be washed before peeling
and cutting.
(b) Dietary Fibres should be avoided by a patient suffering
from Diarrhoea.
(c) Water Balance plays an important role in relation to Human
(d) Vegetable Proteins are not the complete source of Protein.
(e) Pressuring Cooking is always advisable to Cook Food.
(f) We should add on extra pinch of salt during summer.
Q.3) (A) Describe any three functions of Carbohydrate. Give any four
Food Sources of Carbohydrate. [05]
(B) Explain the Supplementary Value of Protein with two examples. [05]
(C) A diet provides 1,800 Kcal. Out of this 270 gm. is Carbohydrate
Content. The energy provided by fat is 288 kcals. Calculate the
protein content of the diet. [05]
Q.4) (A) Discuss ‘Iron’ under the following heading :
(a) Any two functions [02]
(b) Any four Good Food Sources [02]
(c) Name one deficiency Disease [01]
(B) Define essential Amino Acids and enlist all essential Amino Acids
needed by an Adult. [05]
(C) Plan a balanced lunch menu for a 18 years old adolescent boy
who is a vegetarian using the basis five food groups. [05]
Q.5) (A) Explain Dehydration and what is the role of ORT in Dehydration ? [05]
(B) Explain the importances of ausiding fast/junk foods. [05]
(C) Give any five measures to preserve nutrients while Cooking Food. [05]
Q.6) (A) Define Rancidity of Oil. How will you prevent it ? (Any 3 ways) [05]
(B) Define Co-agulation of Protein. Classify Proteins giving suitable
examples of each. [05]
(C) Explain basic five food groups giving suitable examples. [05]
Q.7) (A) List one food to be avoided and one food to be recommended
for patients suffering from the following diseases : [05]
(a) Kidney Diseases
(b) Jaundice
(c) Constipation
(d) Heart Disease
(e) Diabetes Mellitus
(B) Explain ill effects of excess consumption of fat in the diet. [05]
(C) Give two food sources for the following : [05]
(a) Cholesterol
(b) Unsaturated Fatty Acid
(c) Calcium
(d) Vitamin ‘D’
(e) Vegetable Oil
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - II) Examination - 2012
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Answer any four from Q. Nos. 2 to 7.
Q.1) Define : (Any Five) [5x2=10]
(a) Oedema
(b) Nutrient
(c) Hollow Calories
(d) Vitamins
(e) Hydrogenation of Oil
(f) Health
Q.2) (A) Match the following nutrients in column ‘A’ with the deficiency
disease in column ‘B’ : [05]
‘A’ ‘B’
(a) Niacin (i) Scurvy
(b) Vitamin ‘B’ (ii) Pernicious Anaemia
(c) Folic Acid (iii) Beri Beri
(d) Ascorbic Acid (iv) Pellagra
(e) Vitamin A (v) Night Blindness
(vi) Rickets
(B) Give reason : (Any Five) [5x2=10]
(a) Fruits and Vegetables should be washed before peeling
and cutting.
(b) Dietary Fibres should be avoided by a patient suffering
from Diarrhoea.
(c) Water Balance plays an important role in relation to Human
(d) Vegetable Proteins are not the complete source of Protein.
(e) Pressuring Cooking is always advisable to Cook Food.
(f) We should add on extra pinch of salt during summer.
Q.3) (A) Describe any three functions of Carbohydrate. Give any four
Food Sources of Carbohydrate. [05]
(B) Explain the Supplementary Value of Protein with two examples. [05]
(C) A diet provides 1,800 Kcal. Out of this 270 gm. is Carbohydrate
Content. The energy provided by fat is 288 kcals. Calculate the
protein content of the diet. [05]
Q.4) (A) Discuss ‘Iron’ under the following heading :
(a) Any two functions [02]
(b) Any four Good Food Sources [02]
(c) Name one deficiency Disease [01]
(B) Define essential Amino Acids and enlist all essential Amino Acids
needed by an Adult. [05]
(C) Plan a balanced lunch menu for a 18 years old adolescent boy
who is a vegetarian using the basis five food groups. [05]
Q.5) (A) Explain Dehydration and what is the role of ORT in Dehydration ? [05]
(B) Explain the importances of ausiding fast/junk foods. [05]
(C) Give any five measures to preserve nutrients while Cooking Food. [05]
Q.6) (A) Define Rancidity of Oil. How will you prevent it ? (Any 3 ways) [05]
(B) Define Co-agulation of Protein. Classify Proteins giving suitable
examples of each. [05]
(C) Explain basic five food groups giving suitable examples. [05]
Q.7) (A) List one food to be avoided and one food to be recommended
for patients suffering from the following diseases : [05]
(a) Kidney Diseases
(b) Jaundice
(c) Constipation
(d) Heart Disease
(e) Diabetes Mellitus
(B) Explain ill effects of excess consumption of fat in the diet. [05]
(C) Give two food sources for the following : [05]
(a) Cholesterol
(b) Unsaturated Fatty Acid
(c) Calcium
(d) Vitamin ‘D’
(e) Vegetable Oil
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