Sunday, November 22, 2015

University Of Pune Question Paper,(Specialisation - IV : Service Sector Management),2013 Question Paper,B. B. A. ( Semester - VI )

University Of Pune Question Paper
B. B. A. ( Semester - VI ) Examination - 2013
(Specialisation - IV : Service Sector Management)
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions :
(1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Solve any two from Q. Nos. 2 to 4.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Case No. 1 : [20]
Quality Circle is a coaching class started by Prof. Raje after retirement
from a reputed city college. The object of his coaching class is to
provide indepth coaching for all types of competitive examination. Prof.
Raje has made detail study of pattern of such examinations. He intends
to cover in his coaching classes the all areas of competitive
examinations. Prof. Raje drawn up an ambitious advertisement campaign
for marketing of these classes and ready to spent huge amount on
it. However his friend Prof. Rao is of the opinion that Prof. Raje should
spent more on development of proper classroom infrastructure and
paying higher salaries to teaching staff instead of on advertising. Prof.
Raje is unable to decide his priorities and ask for your opinion.
(a) With whom do you agree and why ?
(b) What will be your advice to Prof. Raje ?
[4372]-613 1 P.T.O.
Q.2) Case No. 2 : [15]
Construct an effective service marketing strategy profile for each of
the following with reasoning behind the same :
(a) Five Star Hotel
(b) Newly established bank
(c) Non-grant Basis B.B.A. - B.C.A. Institute
(d) Multispeciality Hospital
Q.3) Case No. 3 : [15]
Green Belt Pvt. is an American firm engaged in the manufacture and
marketing of environment friendly Bio-fertilisers. Recently this firm set
up an Indian Subsidiary by the name, Green Belt (I) Ltd. its test
marketing has thrown up poor results. The company realises that inspite
of the general awareness about the hazerds of chemical fertilisers, the
farmers still prefer to use them. This is due to three reasons.
(a) Subsidy/loan is available for purchase of chemical fertiliser.
(b) The chemical fertilisers are believed to give a guaranteed increase
in the crop yield.
(c) Environment friendly Bio-fertilisers are believed to be slow in
action and not likely to boost the crop yield.
Analyse the situation and extend your suggestions for ‘better sales’
to the General Manager (Sales) of Green Belt (I) Ltd.
Q.4) Case No. 4 : [15]
The Indo-Foreign Bank has two senior marketing personnel with widely
different views as to the future. Mr. Deepak Powdel believes that a
bank is basically a ‘Retail Outlet’. He says “you go to cloth shop
to buy cloth. You go to a bank to buy financial service” on the other
hand his colleague Ms. Varsha believes that his approach is futile and
pointless. The essence of successful marketing, she says ‘is the
relationship’, we built up with the customers.
(a) In your opinion whose view point is appropriate ? Why so ?
(b) Does it mean that other view point is wrong ?
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