University Of Pune Question Paper
M. C. M. (Semester - IV) Examination - 2012
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Q. Nos. 1 and 8 are compulsory.
(2) Solve any four from the remaining.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.l) What is ADO .NET ? What are its features ? Explain ADO .NET
Object Model in detail. [15]
Q.2) Explain all the components of .NET Framework Architecture. [10]
Q.3) Explain the ASP .NET. State maintenance techniques in detail. [10]
Q.4) Explain the terms Events and Delegates. Explain Delegates in detail
using suitable example. [10]
Q.5) Write ADO .NET Code for a table ‘Employee’ with fields EmpNo,
Name, DateOfBirth, Salary to provide the facility to Insert, Update,
Delete the records. Also provide the facility of navigation buttons to
view the records. Make use of disconnected architecture. [10]
Q.6) Create a Class Student :
Data Members : StudentID, Name, Qualification, Percentage.
Methods : GetData() : Will read the information from user and write
it in a text file.
ShowData() : will display the information on screen.
Write a console based application. Make use of File Stream Classes
for File Operations. [10]
Q.7) Write a program which uses a function to calculate factorial of a given
number and handle any unexpected input by throwing appropriate
exceptions. [10]
Q.8) Write short notes : (Any Three) [15]
(a) Abstract Classes Vs. Interfaces
(b) Data Grid Control
(c) List View and Tree View Control
(d) Access Modifiers
M. C. M. (Semester - IV) Examination - 2012
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Q. Nos. 1 and 8 are compulsory.
(2) Solve any four from the remaining.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.l) What is ADO .NET ? What are its features ? Explain ADO .NET
Object Model in detail. [15]
Q.2) Explain all the components of .NET Framework Architecture. [10]
Q.3) Explain the ASP .NET. State maintenance techniques in detail. [10]
Q.4) Explain the terms Events and Delegates. Explain Delegates in detail
using suitable example. [10]
Q.5) Write ADO .NET Code for a table ‘Employee’ with fields EmpNo,
Name, DateOfBirth, Salary to provide the facility to Insert, Update,
Delete the records. Also provide the facility of navigation buttons to
view the records. Make use of disconnected architecture. [10]
Q.6) Create a Class Student :
Data Members : StudentID, Name, Qualification, Percentage.
Methods : GetData() : Will read the information from user and write
it in a text file.
ShowData() : will display the information on screen.
Write a console based application. Make use of File Stream Classes
for File Operations. [10]
Q.7) Write a program which uses a function to calculate factorial of a given
number and handle any unexpected input by throwing appropriate
exceptions. [10]
Q.8) Write short notes : (Any Three) [15]
(a) Abstract Classes Vs. Interfaces
(b) Data Grid Control
(c) List View and Tree View Control
(d) Access Modifiers
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